You try to break up the problem into small bits and pieces then maybe you can see how things all fit together. Something like scientists putting particles into the Large Hadron Collider to smash 'em up to discover the properties of all smaller pieces helps figure out what makes the larger particles function the way they do.
You know why I adore this reply Kg? As a retired Internal Auditor that is precisely how we go about auditing things. Take them apart and then examine every piece one by one. The odd disfigured misfits will be found. You can't eat an elephant in one bite. A trip of a thousand miles begins with one step. Thanks for bringing this up. It is so spot on! Happy Wednesday to thee and thine Kg. All still well I hope! :)
Right as well because you don't know the exact details of what might make another person tick or they did what they did. Until you've walked in those people shows don't waste time speculation so take the bad with the good.
I shall anser the question as asked. No. If I can't grasp it, I probably will not want to solve it. Questions or mysteries, on the other hand, are different. I shall not delve further, as Kittigate did quite well.