If any of you suffered any of the potential DANGEROUS side effects would you disclose that or die keeping it your secret because alive or dead you'd rather die than make the powers that be look like a dam* fool?
Is he exhibiting any of the side effects of associated with the taking of hydroxychloroquine…
* Nausea – Yes. (Especially when the name Joe Biden is mentioned)
* Vomiting – No. (He’s always vomited lies)
* Stomach pain or cramps – Yes. (He does make a lot of strange faces when he talks)
* Loss of appetite – No. (He eats as if they were closing down all the meat-processing plants)
* Weight loss – No. (More like weight gain)
* Diarrhea – Yes… of the mouth (doesn’t know when to shut up)
* Dizziness – Yes. (He does have a hard time keeping things straight)
* Spinning sensation – Yes. (He puts a spin on everything)
* Headache – Yes. (he’s the biggest headache ever known)
* Ringing in the ears – Yes. (He loves to hear his own voice ringing in his ears)
* Mood changes – Yes. (He changes his mood more than he does underwear)
* Nervousness – Yes. (more like paranoia)
* Irritability – Yes! (He gets irritated at anyone who refuses to agree with him)
* Skin rash – Yes. (Just look at his orange and white face)
* Itching – Yes. (He’s always itching to find a way to promote himself)
* Hair loss – No. (It tries to get away, but it just can’t make it)
* Confusion – Yes. (He can’t keep his stories straight)
* Memory loss – Yes. (He keeps claiming he never knew people, even though there are numerous photos of them together)
Conclusion - he is indeed taking hydroxychloroquine.