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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We're VERY OLD in the HIGH-RISK GROUP and we sure as he** are not going to abandon what kept us alive so far. Are you an abandoner/lifer?

We're VERY OLD in the HIGH-RISK GROUP and we sure as he** are not going to abandon what kept us alive so far. Are you an abandoner/lifer?

Posted - May 27, 2020


  • 35039
    It is not an either or situtation.  Yes older people and people with health issues need to be more cautious. Especially if they live in a hard hit area. 

    That does not mean the rest of the world must also do the same.  We do not shut down for the flu (kills 60,000 every year...young and old) We shut down to flatten the curve so doctors and hospitals were not overwhelmed.  We did it. It is time to go to work. 
      May 27, 2020 7:00 AM MDT

  • 2706
    :) :) :) !
      May 27, 2020 8:44 AM MDT

  • 10795

    I can see from some posts on this site that some people just do not understand. 


    They ARE opening up the country!  Most officials just want to do it safely!  They’re thinking of everyone’s safety, not just a few. 

    This virus hits EVERYBODY – from 0-100+!  It can cause lung problems in ANYONE long after they’ve recovered.  It can (and does) affect the young.

    Yes, shutting down hurt a lot of people.  Yes, it will take many years to recover.  Ask ANYONE who’s had this virus if they think were moving too fast and 90% will say yes!  Thankfully, a vast majority of Americans have NOT got the virus, but they’re the ones who are complaining.

    Our problem is that we do not WANT to change.  We want things just like they were.  Well, that isn’t going to happen for a long while – no matter what!  Bitc*ing and moaning won’t help that day get any closer.  Jobs will change, but they will still be there.  Things will have to be done differently for a while, but they will still get done.  Do you think life in this country went on as usual during WWII?  No, we had to change our ways.  Eventually it got back to “normal”, but it took time, patience and sacrifice.   Yes, sacrifice (REAL sacrifice)... something the younger generations no nothing about.    So pull your heads out of you’re a**es, put on a mask, and together we can get though this - alive.

    This post was edited by Shuhak at May 27, 2020 11:32 AM MDT
      May 27, 2020 9:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The USUAL SUSPECTS say what they always say do what they always do think what they always think believe what they always believe. Like mail carriers who carry the mail in any weather they believe what they believe and so do not dare not bother them with TRUTH or FACTS or EVIDENCE or PROOF. They will laugh their heads off at you for daring to. They are HOPELESS CLUELESS and DEVOTED. Different strokes. I love your tag line best of all m'dear! Our mantra our Constitution our path leading us out into the light! Those who find it inspiring are already doing it. Those who don't won't. I wonder how many thousands of them will die fighting for breath on respirators? I pity them not. I'm sure you do and will continue to do so. I feel nothing for them at all. They made their bed and they deserve to die in it. SIGH. Too old to become a better human being. Honest to a fault with my last breath! Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 27, 2020 11:33 AM MDT
      May 27, 2020 10:12 AM MDT