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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you know the definition of the word "UNITED"? Some who are stupid dumb conflate it with DIVIDED. Are you one who do dat very bad ting?

Do you know the definition of the word "UNITED"? Some who are stupid dumb conflate it with DIVIDED. Are you one who do dat very bad ting?

Posted - May 27, 2020


  • 2706
    Yes, I know the meaning of "united". Some who are stupid dumb conflate it with "divided". Am I one who does that very bad thing? No, I'm not one who does that very bad thing because I'm not a Democrat. Rather than reexamine their divisive political strategies following the 2016 election, Democrats hit the accelerator on the politics of division.

    The Democratic Party at this moment in history belongs to those who hate our institutions, hate the limits of our system of government, hate the Constitution, and hate the American way of life. They have become the party of mob rule. There’s a line where civility necessarily starts to break down, and they’re definitely heading straight for it if they haven’t crossed it already.

      May 27, 2020 12:35 PM MDT