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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You may "recover" from a life-threatening illness but never fully. There is lasting trauma damage that you learn to live with isn't there?

You may "recover" from a life-threatening illness but never fully. There is lasting trauma damage that you learn to live with isn't there?

The lifet-threatening deadly disease of the don of johns will leave lasting trauma damage pain. The country will never recover from it and will have to learn to live with it. A limp or a sagging jaw or a pain in the spine that can be debilitating. Pain pill will never mask it or soothe it or cure it. Nothing will.

What kind of permanent damage do you see to the country because of the unfortunate circumstance people chose to live with live under tolerate?

The limp will be noticeable. The drooping jaw and the sometimes drips of saliva that we cannot control. The sometimes unendurable pain of the soul. No memories of anything good will ever erase all the bad. Yet we will go on somehow. "The better for it"? Doubtful. The worse for it. Probably.

Posted - June 1, 2020


  • 6477
    I like to think that America can recover - but in truth it will take a while, and the recovery will only happen if Trump is not re-elected. 
      June 1, 2020 3:24 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I shudder at that but with Russia continuing to float lies and conspiracy theories and hacking and fraudulent duplicitous "information" and all the adoring worshippers who have no honor or integrity and will lie and cheat to make sure the election is rigged even as far as preventing people from voting it's gonna be tought. The don of many johns keeps insisting that voting by mail is fraught with peril and fraud which is just anoher lie which is all he says all the time. He says voting by mail will ensure that Republicans lose. So he wants to bann it. Some states only allow voting by mail and have for decades. Jim and I vote by mail in advance as soon as voting is open. Some folks are invalides and cannot get to a polling place. The GOP has set about for years to limit the hours of voting and reduce the number of pollings places making it more difficult to vote. They are doing this right now and have never stopped. So all the forces of evil are working against an honest election and voting by mail is the one way we can have our say...unless of course the fix is in for the counters. Not an easy thing but my wish is that the don of many johns LOSES by the greatest majority in history! He will then whine and hissy fit and tantrum about how everything was rigged. Can you hear him? Thank you for your reply Addb.! :)
      June 1, 2020 4:57 AM MDT