White Supremacists are the golden kids for the don of many johns gubment and liddlebillybarrroycohnFAKE AG.
They are at all the protests dressed in black pretending to be ANTIFA. However to whit all twits forsooth and YIKES the SOB's are blaming all of it only on ANTIFA. Why d'ya suppose that is? DUH? Right big DUH!
Well the white supremacists are a big part of the many johns don base and he don't dare offend them. Plus which he likes it when they go in trash stuff throw things burn things steal things and the left-wing folks get BLAMED for it. ALL OF IT. They are the favored ones the golden ones the black sheep who can do and do do do do do whatever they want because well ya see the don of many johns has a soft spot in his gut for them.
More to come. Same tune..