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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The two old man shover downers have been suspended and allegedly will be criminally charged. What would you charge them with?

The two old man shover downers have been suspended and allegedly will be criminally charged. What would you charge them with?

What would be your idea of a fair and just punishment?

Neither of them were fair or just but well we can't give back to them what they did to him can we?

Shove them to the ground making sure both marbleheads hit hard enough to knock them out so they will bleed profusely?

Then take them to the hospital in SERIOUS but stable condition and then when they recover jail them?

What? An eye for an eye seems cruel right? What the two cop old man pusher downers did was NOT cruel? Really?

Posted - June 6, 2020


  • 14795
    I think those people that choose to enter any police force and are there to enforce any decent or common sense laws ,then if they break their own rules for mostly any reason should have their sentence at least doubled that of your every day naughtly criminal ........they are after all paid well to act as gods...I also think you will be supprised at how many break laws in one or another ,maybe in minor ways and for many of them blatantly and do so when ever they feel like it...  
    I have a very poor respect for our police in England....I do think that there are some that take on the job and do it well or as best as the laws allow them to....
    I read and hear more about the evil things they do then I do if them doing good ....but that's life and people tend to harp on about the bad things that stick in their minds and the good things tend to be forgotten or just not remembered ....
    That I think is just human nature though....pain leaves more of a lasting impression than a sweet kiss...
      June 6, 2020 9:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You know D I used to think the police were there to serve and protect us. I was told as a child if I saw one and was in any kind of trouble to run to him/her. Also in my entire life my few encounters with police have with only one mild exception been very kind very good very helpful very positive. Which leads to wonder if those who used to become policemen were a better brand of homo sap and somewhere along the line the profession was co-opted by thugs and the mafia and that is why what we have today is such an abomination. I shall ask. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday. That huge demonstration in London yesterday was AWESOME! I think it was day 12 or day 13 of worldwide protests. What will today bring? More of the same I expect. What will tumbleweed do? Start shooting folks with bullets instead of teargas?
      June 7, 2020 3:15 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I can never really judge America or its police as I have never ever been there yet...I can only read and hear what our papers and news casts say and see things on ytube and the global economy news on the Internet and also by verious people that I know who has wisited or worked out there..l
    As in England and most al other countries where the media coverage is big news....priority news is always about the down side of life and never ever about all the good things people do world wide..
    An elderly lady in north London fell over in the main road shopping street some years ago....two white lads of about 25 years old picked her up and put her in a taxi ,give here £50 for a  quater of a mile trip to the A&E department of the nearby hospital...Things like that are unheard of on the news...and they happen far more than people think...
    Do you remember all the good things that you do for others ....No....I bet you can remember the things you wish you were more helpful though....maybe because you were in a rush or had other things on your mind....

    If you were out one day now and someone was coughing and spluttering in the street....would you rush to help them...given the current virus situation....
    Every day we could be faced with situations that take a lot of thinking's also made harder if you are poor than rich...
    Nature knows nothing about fair ,its more one law is made to fit all ,like it or not....
      June 7, 2020 4:22 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I cannot predict what I would do or will do until I do it D. I know what I would LIKE to do but there is no way I can guarantee myself or you that that's what I shall do under whatever circumstances present themselves. I do know this. Those who are in a position of holding power over others..especially LIFE AND DEATH power...have an OBLIGATION to not abuse it. When they do they make news. Sadly if there is a report that donjohntrump murders someone and a report that an old lady was helped by two young men which story do YOU think will get the coverage? Which story will YOU READ FIRST? The kind helpful positive one or the outrageous evil cruel one? People are people. We slow down when a bloody accident occurs to crane our necks to see. When do we ever slow down to watch someone helping someone by the side of the road? NEVER. That is what homo saps are D. Sensation lovers. Sensation seekers. Sensation makers. We is what we is and that is all that we is. Is that all  we can ever be? Apparently. How many hundreds of thousands of years have homo saps existed? And this is the BEST we can do? See the problem? Thank you for your reply. A question cometh forth. Here we go. This post was edited by RosieG at June 8, 2020 11:59 AM MDT
      June 7, 2020 4:44 AM MDT