Knowing you, I’m afraid now. Should I call the police, customer service at Better Homes & Gardens, the Coast Guard, my parish priest (I’m not even Catholic), or the EPA?
You can only promise four minutes and fifteen seconds, eh? Ok, ok, if you insist. Let’s get this over with; you begin. (Sigh.)
Dang! I wasn’t even invited!
Well, there is that.
She got a discount and she’s on a timer.
P. S. Your apostrophe fell down on the job.
I always considered it to be very interesting. But then again, most guys consider theirs to be very interesting. In fact, many guys can go on for hours about it - how it feels as it slides through their hands, or how they “customized” it, or just how tight it fits. Why, some will snap pictures of it and post them on the internet, or send them to others (hey, look what I got!). Of course, most of those who see those pictures are not... shall we say… impressed. To them it’s not a “big” deal. Yes, you guessed it, I’m talking about my truck’s steering wheel cover (it's a beaut!).
Whew! I was just about to call the police on you again until I read the last few words! Dodged that bullet, didn’t you?
Ewwww. Hold still, and stand back six feet.
A bar of soap should be the answer!
But neither were your response.