Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» How many George Floyd murders have there been that wren't captued by cell phone photographs taken by HORRIFIED citizens?
Contrary to the cock and bull stories force-fed to us daily by the liberal-left media, we are blessed with the best law enforcement professionals in the world. Japan is a close number two, but then we trained them after WWII. That is why we are not and are nowhere near becoming a “failed state” as some would have you believe.
While the importance of justice, social justice, racial justice, and a cultural grounding in equal treatment is vital – so is the appreciation for those who protect us every day. The law enforcement community is composed of men and women, fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters who volunteered to put themselves in harm’s way – for you and me. They take inordinate risks every day to keep our society safe. Yet many people are all too eager to vilify and destroy all police organizations for the actions of the very few individuals.
Now we have Democrat leaders around the country – in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, New York, Minnesota and elsewhere – calling for cuts to police budgets, presumably to punish the officers who make civil society, the rule of law and protection possible. What on earth could possibly be going on in their minds?. These leaders need to get a grip and the individuals who agree with those leaders need to get a grip.