Discussion » Questions » Sports » The 2021 NFL Super Bowl game is scheduled to be played in Tampa, Florida. Do you think we’ll even have a season this year? ~

The 2021 NFL Super Bowl game is scheduled to be played in Tampa, Florida. Do you think we’ll even have a season this year? ~

Posted - June 11, 2020


  • 13277
    We will. Unless, of course, we don't.
      June 11, 2020 8:26 AM MDT

  • 19938
    Sports are of no interest to me.  Maybe, if there's no football, my Sunday night TV programs will not be time delayed.  One can hope.
      June 11, 2020 8:27 AM MDT

  • 44540
    Goodell keeps saying there will be. But the owners should have the final decision.
      June 11, 2020 11:20 AM MDT

  • 13277
    And the shouldn't have any say in the matter? They're the ones putting their health at risk and the performers who generate revenue for the owners.
      June 11, 2020 12:41 PM MDT

  • 44540
    the  they

    Maybe I should clarify. I don't think the owners would want a season. It could also be left up to the player's union.
      June 11, 2020 12:49 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Why wouldn't they want a season? They would forfeit a lot of revenue as well as public good will.
      June 11, 2020 1:17 PM MDT

  • 33805
    Yes, there will be a season.   The only question is how many fans will be allowed in the seats and when they will be allowed. 
      June 11, 2020 1:48 PM MDT

  • 53367
    Interesting that you’re confident it will take place. Do you think the season will be a regular one, including a pre-season and a post-season (playoffs)?
      June 11, 2020 6:13 PM MDT

  • 33805
    Yes, full season with play-offs.
      June 11, 2020 6:24 PM MDT

  • Whether there is a season or not, being forced to go cold turkey has actually cured my addiction. I don't miss them nor do I anticipate any problems finding other things to do.
      June 11, 2020 6:41 PM MDT

  • 22891
    maybe, you'll just have to wait and see
      June 13, 2020 2:37 PM MDT