The history of a country exists in what happened when to whom and why. No symbols needed. No slogans.
That is where the "other" gets it so wrong. They try to rewrite history thinking that will change the recorded memory of it. It doesn't. Those who think it does are not thinkers. What are they? Beats me! ::((
People have good forgeteries. Unless they are continuously reminded of something they will eventually forget it. No one can change history. Oh, they try all the time. One can lie about the past, ignore the past, or even try to say it never happened, yet no matter what people do, they cannot change the past. What we need to do is learn from the past. That way we won’t repeat the bad.
Tearing down monuments or changing names won’t alter what happened in the past. Nor will it stop it from happening again in the future. One must know the ignorance of the past or they will be doomed to repeat it.