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Twenty states spikingsurging...especially Florida Texas and Arizona. Meanwhile back at the ranch ego hate rallies go on as usual. Good life?

Posted - June 18, 2020


  • 10578

    They surge is because people are stupid - just like the president. 


    Fact – masks are 90% effective at stopping the spread of the disease. 

    Yet many people refuse to wear masks in public.  They don’t like the way they look.  They feel funny.  The wearing of masks is a conspiracy theory.  They have a constitutional right to be mask-free.  (the list of excuses goes on and on.)   Therefore, the wearing of masks is only “recommended”.  Gee, we’d hate for those in authority to put their fool down... they might not get reelected.

    People also have the strange idea that if we simply open everything back up, then everything will instantly go back to “normal”.
    It doesn’t work that way.    When one tosses a rock in a pool of still water, does the water instantly become still?  Of course not; it takes time.  And if one keeps tossing more rocks into the water, it’ll never become still.  

    - Not wearing a mask in public – a rock is tossed.
    - Crowding people close together – another rock is tossed.
    - Not staying home when sick – another rock is tossed.
    - Traveling from county to county just because you can - another rock is tossed.
    - Not practicing social distancing - another rock is tossed.

    The longer the water remains stirred up, the longer it will take to become calm again. 

    Yes, people are stupid.  A wise person knows better than to shi* where they eat.  Yet from the looks of all the shi* going on, there aren’t very many wise people out there.

      June 18, 2020 2:21 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Of course I agree with every word you said. I honestly cannot think of a better word than STUPID to describe them. I mean what enormous huge humongous "gathering" would YOU attend that might cost your life or the lives of those with whom you come in contact? What is a life worth? I guess we put a price on it ourselves don't we? I know when Christians were being persecuted they'd gather together underground or somewhere out of sight to worship GOD speak of Jesus. That put their lives in jeopardy. Also in America there was THE UNDERGROUND RAILWAY created to help African Americans escape their bondage. Those people also jeopardized their lives. Putting your life in danger for a JUST CAUSE I think is very noble. Those who sheltered JEWS..hid them...protected them put their lives in jeopardy. Again for a noble cause. But what is noble about trump? Showing up to assuage his infinite need for love and support is not worth a life. But I heard there were 1 million requests for free tickets. The trump allegedly has over 80 million twitter followers. 63 million voted for him. I wonder if he will be very angry that ALL of them didn't request tickets? How many of them will get very ill, make others very ill, die just to have shown up at this spectacle? Your guess is as good as mine. And so it goes. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Friday! :) I'm gonna ask.
      June 19, 2020 2:28 AM MDT