Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Surges/spkes in 26 states. Why not close down again? What about YOUR country? Is yours contained or is it spiking/surging?
Hi Kg. Well for us last I heard infections over 2 million deaths over 120,000 and growing. Meanwhile the trump travels from hot spot to hot spot holding rallies with people unmasked jammed together in enclosed places. First tulsa then Phoenix next Florida? He leaves behind infection and death. Your leader is much smarter! I don't know what ours is exactly but whatever the exact opposite of smart is he is. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thee and thine. You're still doing fine hopefully all things considered? :)
So far so good Kg but even in California with the smart governor we have who locked us down for weeks our infection cases are spiking/surging dramatically. THAT SCARES ME. SIGH. Thank you for your reply! :)