Cases here in this small town have nearly doubled in just this past week. Our local hospital is nearly out of beds - something that hasn’t happened since this thing started.
People are stupid. One person says something totally asinine and 100 people jump to defend it as if it were gospel truth. They don’t bother to check the facts, they just defend it. I swear, I could say “trees fly east for the summer” and 50 people would quickly agree. In a week, there’d be protesters out shouting, “roots inhibit the free moment of trees. Liberate the trees!”
There’s a really tiny mom/pop grocery store at the end of my block. As I was driving my truck around the block this morning (to keep the battery charged), I saw 3 people from 3 different cars get out walk into the store. Not a one of them was wearing mask and none of them social distanced. People just flat out don’t care about anyone but themselves.
To be fair, we can’t lay all of this on trump. I’ve seen US newspapers articles from 1919 during the Spanish flu pandemic. Guess what? They too had numerous anti-maskers. Their “reasoning” is nearly the same as it is today. People in this country are just plain obstinate – they always have been and (sigh) they probably always will be. Remember back in ’86 when seatbelts became mandatory in cars? People protested, claiming they violated their constitutional rights. It got worse when they tried to enforce the law. Remember the law - “A police officer can only give out a seatbelt ticket ONLY if he pulled the driver over for another violation.” Yet, despite the countless lives seatbelts have saved over the years, some people still refuse to wear them. You see (what’s left of) some of them in the news after they get into a wreck and are ejected from their car.
Our (blue) state is spiking because people don’t - nay, refuse - to think. They only see themselves; not their children, their friends, their neighbors or even their fellow Americans (of any color). They think and act as if everything revolves solely around them. The virus is not gone. Closing things down was only meant to help slow the viruses spread - and it did. Yet some people still have the virus - even though they aren’t sick. These anti-maskers/group-huggers are what’s spreading the virus. When they first started opening things up, people from heavily infected counties quickly ran to less infected counties, bringing the virus with them. This county has always attracted tourists in the summer – and this year is no exception. They come here from all over the country - bringing their viruses with them (while leaving their masks at home). As a result, cases here are skyrocketing! It gets better…. some people here are bound and determined to hold 4th of July functions (parade, public fireworks), even though the city canceled them. Their plan? Simply have them on private property where the city/state can’t say a word. And if they do, sue them for violating peoples constitutional right to privacy). It’s a$saholic people like that make me ashamed of this city … and of this nation!