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Discussion » Questions » Celebrities » Mixed message, He is proud of gaming the system, Proves he is smart Yet he vows to close the loopholes. Why?

Mixed message, He is proud of gaming the system, Proves he is smart Yet he vows to close the loopholes. Why?

He is gonna desert his wealthy friends' best interests, the interests of his family and himself in favor of YOU? Seriously? Do you really believe that? Why?

Posted - October 4, 2016


  • 5808
    I don't believe it.
      October 4, 2016 9:24 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Me too neither Baba! Me too neither! Money is his carrot. Thank you for your reply! :)
      October 5, 2016 5:46 AM MDT

  • 691
    There is no mixed message there at all. He followed the law and he wants to change the law. There was no law of seatbelts at one time and I am sure people who lived without seatbelts were still in support of changing the law to require seatbelts.

    If you want to hear a mixed message than listen to hillary. Hillary says trump is bad for following the law. Hillary has followed the law in the same way that trump has to also avoid taxes. Hillary has not said a word about changing this law. So she is upset that someone followed the law that she also followed and has no plan to change.  Explain how that makes any sense at all? She obviously thinks the law is ok, and thinks following it is ok, but thinks following is bad only if you are trump. She is without any consistency and she is proving trump right when he said she has been around 30 years and nothing has changed and nothing will change.
      October 4, 2016 5:42 PM MDT

  • 113301
     Money is his carrot. Fame is a close second. Why would he change a law that would reduce the money he makes/keeps?  That makes no sense. Of course that's what he tells people he will do but you actually believe him? Why? All he is lie.
      October 5, 2016 5:48 AM MDT

  • 691
    I will tell you what makes no sense and that is hoping that the person not even saying they will change the law will change the law. At least one is saying they will make a change. Here is a question for you though, and that is why do the rich back hillary instead of trump if trump is going to look out for rich people as himself? The other billionaires appear to believe that hillary will let them get richer on our backs but they don't think the same of trump.
      October 5, 2016 8:38 PM MDT