That's a huge and scary number. Wonder what the number would be if Trump took the virus seriously right from the start and set a good example by wearing a mask. Cheers!
You know WHY that stat scares me so bigly? Because our GUV did all the right things early on. He locked us down for weeks and we obeyed his edicts grateful that he cared enough. Then I guess he began to open up and all he** broke loose. So I now have no clue what the advantage of living in California will give us since we're on a sharp spike surge just like the dumba** dingbat red states are. It doesn't seem to make a difference what we do. Is it coming to get you or us? I dunno. Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Thursday to you! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at June 26, 2020 11:04 AM MDT
Our guv did the right things just like yours did L. He locked us down early on only recently began to open up and whaddaya know were going right back to where we were a coupla months ago. Why? I wish I knew. Thank you for the graphics L. They shows where but not WHY? Aye aye aye aye yi!
Well as you posted on another thread honey we have beaches where people flock unfrocked. I know you have beaches too but it's not nearly the same as southern California. AARRGGHH! Anyway if things go awry in New York you KNOW your governor will act IMMEDIATELY to mitigate the effect. A bagger asked "where will they put all those they quarantine" and I said Cuomo probably already has that covered. Didn't the Army Corps of Engineers show up and build a huge overflow hospital somewhere? Have a great day L! Wonder what you know who will do TODAY? :)
This post was edited by RosieG at June 26, 2020 11:05 AM MDT
Not only do you have beaches everywhere, your weather permits you to be outdoors all year long while most of us just get about 6 months. I believe Cuomo is very much on top of things and will act quickly if they start heading in the wrong direction. Hopefully, even if cases start to climb, we won't get to the point where we needed so many ICU beds. In fact, we didn't need as many as was predicted (thankfully), but that didn't stop Trump from claiming that Cuomo was dumb for taking such precautions. Better to have too many beds and not need them, than to have too few and be unable to treat those in need. It seems as though Texas may be reaching it's ICU bed limit.
This post was edited by SpunkySenior at June 26, 2020 11:05 AM MDT
A lot of states are in big trouble and heading for disaster. A science person said we are still at the beginning of the first wave. We never waited for it to subside everywhere before folks began to open up rips off masks hug each other and gather together like sardines as they sat at bars getting drunk as skunks and celebrating their freedom. Now we are where we are due to PARTISAN POLITICS! Did you ever think a day would come when showing loyalty to a vile homo sap trumped valuing life for you and your loved ones? That day is here which proves how stupid dumb the big he true believers are. Talking to them is like talking to mud. No response. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. You're right. Most all year is clear and we go out and about and frolic. :)
I never thought I would see a presidency so destructive in my lifetime. I also believe that if Trump gets another four years, it will become even worse.
It's difficult for me to imagine how it could possibly be worse but I know it can and will for sure. Right now he has asked SCOTUS to invalidate the AHCA. During a pandemic! His timing is wondrous isn't it? Didja catch his reply to a Sean Hannity question? I just asked a question about it. I did not watch/hear it but read about it. SIGH. Thank you for your reply L! :)
With more and more people losing their health insurance due to unemployment, more people are trying to get covered under the AHCA. You can't fault Trump's timing! No i have't seen his reply. I'll look for it.
Things get much darker grimmer and worser. I wonder if this some sort of test we have to face before the powers that be decide we simply aren't the trouble and extincts us? I shall ask. Thank you for your reply L! :)
You would have no say in it. You'd be here then you'd be gone. Now you see it now you don't.
You know how the teacher would make everyone in the classroom suffer if someone did something and did not own up to it? Same here. Can imagine the big he owning up to anything he has ever done to harm? Can you imagine him wanting to "make amends" or apologize or have regrets? Thank you for your reply L. 8900 news cases in one day in Florida! It will get "better"!