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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Per dense pence. "Even in a health crisis Americans do not forfeit their Constitutional rights". What about other rights bucko?

Per dense pence. "Even in a health crisis Americans do not forfeit their Constitutional rights". What about other rights bucko?

What about the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
What about the right to peacefully assemble and protest grievances..not be teargassed rubber bulleted beaten?

Posted - June 27, 2020


  • 10691

    It always amazes me to hear people gripe and complain about how certain people's “rights” are being abused or denied, while at the same time their very actions are violating other people’s rights.

    Person 1 – “It’s my right to protest by blocking traffic!”

    Person 2 – “But it’s my right to be able to use public roads so I can get to work on time so I can get paid so I can feed my family”.

    Tell me, whose rights are more important, person 1 or person 2?


    People scream and shout about getting their “rights” while not giving a crap about other people's rights. 

     “It’s my right not to wear a mask!”

    Translation – it’s my right to potentially cause harm to others.

    Do they even realize what they’re actually saying?


    Many times, they attempt to justify their foolishness by making up “facts” or jumping on a bandwagon without checking to see if what that bandwagon is claiming is accurate –

    “Wearing masks causes cancer!”


    Having rights is one thing, but knowing when and when not to exercise them takes wisdom.  Hurting others just so one can have their “rights” nearly always ends in disaster.  Sometimes one ends up losing more than they gained.

      June 27, 2020 11:31 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I saw one dimwit dumba** broad actually say "how dare you tell people how they should breathe?" She was referring to being masked of course. HOW DARE YOU? I'm telling you m' dear if people were always this stupid dumb I was unaware of it. It took the trump to bring it out from the scum and slime and make it heroic! How stupid dumb is that? Very. MILLIONS and MILLIONS of stupid dumbs support the very most stupidist dumbest trump. They were always there in the shadows breeding more of themselves just waiting for the guy to release them from the quiet dark of rejection. How far will it go no one knows. So far so bad. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! "We always survive. We will survive this too." I heard a voice on TV telling us that we have been through a great deal as a nation and we have ALWAYS SURVIVED. The voice was familiar to me but I couldn't quite place it. Maybe you heard it too? We have never had such a monstrous evil like trump. Will we survive him? Will anyone? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at June 27, 2020 1:15 PM MDT
      June 27, 2020 12:08 PM MDT

  • 10691
    I might have heard the "always survived" phrase on the news last night, but I wasn't paying that close of attention.  

    People were stupid dumb back when I first started working in the grocery business (1987).  It seems worse now because stupid people breed like rabbits while wise people are more precautious.

    Sure, we can survive wars, terrorists attacks, natural disasters, and such, but I don't know if we can survive stupidity.
      June 27, 2020 12:57 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Gosh I wish I could disagree with you on this issue Shuhak but I cannot. I don't know if we can survive stupidity either. There have been signs it before here and there in small amounts. But the scale of this stupid is beyond endurance and I fear beyond surviving UNLESS WE GET IT EXCISED NOW! So what are the odds of that happening? Sigh. I know. Don't ask!  Thank you for your reply! :)
      June 27, 2020 1:18 PM MDT

  • 2706
    Vice President Pence is correct. We don't forfeit our Constitutional rights even in a health crisis.  America is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It exists only to serve us, not to rule us. They don't give us our rights. Our rights are ours.

    Anyone who would take away our freedoms and liberties is committing treason to the Constitution and is an enemy of the people and an enemy of our nation. It is our duty as freedom-loving people to rise up and slap down the government when it gets out of line. If people don't stand up and assert their liberties, they don't deserve those liberties.

     We the people have to be worthy of deserving freedom. This is not something that was bestowed on us by the founding fathers. We have to maintain it and defend it. If we let freedom and liberty slip away a little at a time, then we are a people who don't deserve to be free.

      There's no doubt that when people are free, bad things are going to happen to some people. If people are allowed to make choices then some people will make bad choices. When you have freedom and liberty, you have the freedom and liberty to screw up. You have the freedom to destroy your life. Or would you rather be a mind slave to the government and have them control your life, or perhaps destroy your life for you?
      June 27, 2020 1:48 PM MDT

  • 2327
    He's just saying what he has to say to keep the Trump fans happy. It's election year. They're not going to let a virus stop them. :(
      June 27, 2020 2:03 PM MDT