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Flint Ironstag
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » They WHINE before the fact. They WHINE during the act. They WHINE after the fact. The one dependable thing about trumpers is the whining! Y?

They WHINE before the fact. They WHINE during the act. They WHINE after the fact. The one dependable thing about trumpers is the whining! Y?

It is fine and divine to whine whine whine. Must be else so many wouldn't be devoted to it.

Posted - June 28, 2020


  • Perhaps we have different definitions of the word whine. While leftists, extremists, radicals and Socialist thugs have been on a destructive rampage throughout the land, we haven't heard a peep out of Conservative and mainstream America. This is most disturbing and disheartening. We, as a nation are being led like lambs to the slaughter and no one raises a hand to end it. You would think that if the time came that we would come under the totalitarian heel, there would be some manner of resistance but apparently not. I suppose it's the price that's paid for giving "lip service" only to liberties and the rule of law for so many years.
      June 28, 2020 7:37 AM MDT