Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The bars and restaurants that opened prematurely are closing down again. Bad planning. No one listened. They were all WARNED. DEAF?

The bars and restaurants that opened prematurely are closing down again. Bad planning. No one listened. They were all WARNED. DEAF?

Posted - June 28, 2020


  • 10578

    They don’t care.

    If people would simply do as they’re told, we CAN open this country back up.  It won’t - can’t - be like it was for a while, but it can be better than nothing.   But no, people don’t want “partial”, they want it all.  They want everything exactly just like it was and right this instant.  No one can tell them what to do; they have “rights”.

    It’s not just the people; it’s also the establishments.   They’re the ones who are responsible for enforcing the rules.  Some bars and restaurants are doing what they’re told.  Unfortunately, many aren’t.  They don’t give a crap.  They want money; and if that means ignoring rules, then so be it.  Sadly, everyone has to pay the price because some won’t listen.  Some people who didn’t go to bars and restaurants will be infected by those who did.  Some may even die.  The restaurants and bars who were trying to follow orders are also forced to shut down.  They get punished because of the actions of others.

    What no one seems to understand is that the longer they don’t do what they’re told, the longer we’ll all be in this mess.  Most generations alive today don’t know the meaning of sacrifice.  Sacrifice is hard.  But sometimes it’s necessary.  The longer it takes people to learn, the longer everyone will have to do it.

      June 28, 2020 11:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The obtuse obdurate recalcitrant throngs have no idea what the he** is going on. Like little babies clamoring for what they want. That shiny object. I WANT IT NOW. I WANT IT NOW. I WANT IT NOW. The intellect of a toadstool is what the idiots obviously have up in that dead space in their heads. Where brains should be and are in most folks. In them? No room. The pointy heads are configured badly. I dunno Shuhak. I keep saying I can't believe the number of stupid dumbs there are in America. They keep showing minutely that is all they got. Stupid dumb. So we will continue to repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat. Like a broken record. One day some way maybe the needle will be jolted out of that groove and play good music again. Until then hold on buckle up say a prayer use ear plugs and stay safe! Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at June 29, 2020 2:29 AM MDT
      June 28, 2020 12:13 PM MDT