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What were YOUR favorite birthdays? Why?

For me it was my tenth and my sixteenth.

My tenth because my aunt threw a huge party and we all wore costomes. Maybe there were a couple dozen kids there.

My sixteenth because all our relatives were there and my parents' best friends. It was held in our backyard and all I remember is feeling like I was very loved and a grownup. At 16! That was then. Now I doubt I will ever grow up. But at that time I had such high hopes. Such high expectations.

Posted - June 30, 2020


  • 10579

    I can’t say that any really stand out for me.  I never found birthdays to be “fun”.   I had no friends, so there were no birthday parties, just the family.  Having a birthday in the dead of winter meant that no relatives ever came over (which was probably a good thing as I never liked crowds and I never "fit in" with my relatives).  However, several of my birthdays were official snow days (no school).

      June 30, 2020 12:01 PM MDT

  • 113301
    As you know I'm an introvert too. but my aunt arranged the whole thing and for once I was surrounded by kids! I remember having a wonderful time. I had one friend throughout school till the 10th grade then she moved on to hang out with a "wild" crowd that smoked! Those were the "bad" kids then. We've come a long way m'dear. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday Shuhak. Do you have a favorite cake? I remember my mom would make a Sunshine Cake (I kid you not..that was the name). It was a gold cake with sliced bananas covering it SLATHERED with real whipped cream! It would be chilled in the fridge and It was simple but probably my favorite though she also made a cake filled with walnuts and orange rind. No icing on that one. Oh and she also made pineapple upside cake. Yikes! I didn't realize I AM a cake person! :)
      July 2, 2020 4:17 AM MDT

  • 10579

    They called that group "stoners" when I went to high school.  Those were the days when schools had to have a smoking area for students.   The smoking area was located at the back end of E-wing, just before the 2 flights of steep stairs that led up to Ag.   All the losers hung out there.  Good grief!  The things I remember.  

    I love white cake with vanilla frosting.   (I'm one of those weirdos who doesn’t like chocolate.)

    Mom always made us a cake on our birthdays.  My cake was always white with butter cream frosting.   On your birthday, you got to lick off both of the frosting beaters and clean out the bowl (but not the frosting knife).  Of course, by the time you got to the bowl of colored frosting (for the words) you were sick of frosting!

      July 2, 2020 3:28 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Our across-the-street neighbor Wilma doesn't like chocolate either! Well that proves tastebuds are different. For me white cake is simply uninteresting because all I taste is sweet without flavor and the only white frosting I like is REAL WHIPPING CREAM! I like cakes with nuts or fruit embedded therein. I love a good Italian rum cake. My  son always scraped icing off everything unless it was whipped cream. I mean who doesn't like THAT? Thank you for your reply. Stoners? Doesn't that have to do with marijuana? I don't think back in my day that was a problem though I can't be sure. Thank you for your informative reply! :)
      July 3, 2020 4:34 AM MDT

  • 457
    21 was my most and least memorable birthday, if that makes any sense. As far as a favorite goes, probably my 9th birthday. The presents were great and I was allowed to have 7-8 friends over to spend the night after playing laser tag all night.
      June 30, 2020 1:03 PM MDT

  • 113301
    A sleepover. Gosh I remember having one too. That was really fun. But your answer is intrigues me and prompts me to ask why was 21 your least memorable? Turning 21 made you "legal" for whatever you wanted to do. Was it that you had no one to celebrate that milestone with? Just wondering m'dear. Thank you for your reply Paynuts and Happy Thursday! :)
      July 2, 2020 4:19 AM MDT

  • 457
    No, my friends took me out and showed me a good time. Almost too good of a time. That’s why I don’t remember much. Happy Thursday, Rosie. 
      July 2, 2020 10:57 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Ah. You didn't drive then I trust. Thank you for the clarification! :)
      July 2, 2020 12:18 PM MDT

  • 16670
    My 50th, although I don't remember parts of it too clearly because my family and friends made sure to get me absolutely rat-faced.

    I also got a huge kick out of somebody else's birthday more recently - my granddaughter 's second, 2 months ago. Rather than toys, I got her an easel - she was blissed, the little girl loves drawing and colouring above everything else and her reaction was heartwarming. Most successful gift I've ever given.
      July 2, 2020 4:30 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Sadly I am a lousy giftgiver. Some folks have the knack to always get just what you were hoping for. I'm not one of that some. AARRGGHH!. Well you undoubtedly have a budding artist in your midst! They start very young! Thank you for sharing both times R! :)
      July 2, 2020 1:10 PM MDT

  • 13277
    The ones that fall on July 2. Thanks for asking. Today's my 60th!
      July 2, 2020 4:51 AM MDT

  • 16670
    Hippo birdie two ewes
    Hippo birdie two ewes
    Hippo birdie deer Stu B
    Hippo birdie two ewes.
      July 3, 2020 5:15 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Happy Belated birthday to thee StuBee! And many more of them. Birthdays unbelated. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to thee and thine. Hope all is well with you and yours. STAY SAFE! This post was edited by RosieG at July 3, 2020 6:56 AM MDT
      July 3, 2020 5:31 AM MDT