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74% of Americans believe we are on the wrong track. How can the trump think he has a chance in he** of winning with a stat like that?

Posted - July 2, 2020


  • 10578

    The same way we got this idiot in the first place – stupid people.  A vast majority of people think our government is totally dysfunctional.  They believe that the gap between the government and the people has widened so much that it’s time for a complete overhaul.  Many thought that trump would be the “savior” who would bring about that overhaul.  Yet instead of getting us out of the rut, he deepened it further. 

    Our government is dysfunctional.  The few “up there” have lost sight of the rest of us “down here”.  People make a nation, not government.  If one were to compare a nation to a house, the citizens would comprise the foundation, walls and the roof, while the government would be the utilities.   Utilities are essential for the operation of the house, but they don’t support it.  Currently, our government thinks it’s both the walls and foundation, while the people are the roof.  Our government believes it has to support everyone and everything, while the people keep off the rain.   In other words, the people endure the hardships while the government stays “dry”.

    Our government has grown fat and lazy.  It mocks justice, it enacts laws that benefit itself (keep it growing) and a few of its “friends” (the wealthy), while spitting in the face of the very ones who actually support it (citizens).  The people in Washington act as if they’re gods (and I’m not just referring to the president).  No matter what they do or how they act, they expect the people to worship them and be grateful (now peel me a grape).  People are getting tired of peeling grapes yet never getting to taste one.  Yet although they gripe and complain, they keep on peeling grapes.  Then when some wannabe autocrat comes along claiming he’ll “change things”, the people quickly mass behind him, completely ignoring his past behavior.  They want change so bad, but they’re not willing to make the change themselves.  They want someone else to do it for them.  They cry to this “savior”, “Make us great again!” … and peel him a grape.

      July 2, 2020 5:32 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Do you think there was ever better times or has it always been as you describe to one degree or another? Two evils stand out to me. Tricky dicky nix on and the trump. The rest of them seemed to try to do the right thing. At least insofar as I was aware. I know this. Until now and the trump I have always been proud of being a first generation American. But he has so tarnished infected damaged America that I am embarrassed. His defending of the CONFEDERACY is unique to me. I know there were racist presidents before but honestly I thought we had pretty much left that behind. I know there are racist common folks. There always will be. But our President? Surely the trump has elevated reverence worship for treason and traitor to a very high level. I do not remember that happening since maybe FDR though of course I could be wrong. I did hear that nix on was a racist but as I said before he was a terrible embarrassment. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak and Happy Friday. You folks in northern California are doing a better job handling the virus. Southern California is doing not so hot. Several days ago Riverside County (my county) said its ICU beds were 99% full. Los Angeles County is having very tough time. Just when I thought we were rounding the bend and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel we are in! It was an illusion or delusion or trick of the eye. :)
      July 3, 2020 3:34 AM MDT

  • 10578

    You’re right, trump has tarnished both the title and the office - possible irreparably.  I too am embarrassed to say I’m an American.  The rest of the world ridicules us.  In my opinion, our last “good” president was Reagan.  We’ve kind of been going downhill since. Clinton was a lying pervert, Bush (W) wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.  Carter was milquetoast like Pence.

    People up here don’t want to wear masks either.  With crowds flocking to the waterways and the planned “gatherings” this weekend, I expect the case count in this county will rise substantially in a few weeks.

      July 3, 2020 4:29 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You didn't like President Obama? You think Reagan was a "good" anything? I'm shocked. As governor he took away free public education and put a price on it Shuhak. I think he was not the worst president ever but I do think Nancy was a very important support for him. He was not the sharpest knife in the drawer. His first wife Jane Wyman indicated that is why she divorced him He was too dumb for her. With Nancy she simply adored him, dull-witted or not. He did have a certain charm and a gift for gab. He also quoted lines from movies he was in having been an actor in his prior life. Did he realize doing that? We don't know. Senility may have been seeping in then.  He had a charming smile and in his most famous line in a movie he yells "WHERE IS THE REST OF ME"? Well what we got from him as governor and president was all there was. That was the rest of him. Just my opinion. Clinton did some good despite his randy sex depravity. I read that Ike and FDR and other presidents too were randy sexually but that did not stop them from being effective presidents. As for Jimmy Carter he has done wondrous things in his afterlife as private citizen. Habitat for Humanity. ALSO traveling the globe seeking to be a peacemaker. That may not impress you at all. I think he is a very good man whose life has been purposeful and MATTERED. Because of him many homeless people are better off. I guess you and I value different things. It happens. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. So you really think Reagan was the last "good" president? Because he didn't cheat on Nancy perhaps? Why else? This post was edited by RosieG at July 4, 2020 1:11 PM MDT
      July 4, 2020 5:51 AM MDT

  • 10578

    This is just my opinion -   Carter is doing more after his presidency than he did during.   He was simply a weak president.  I thought Reagan was a strong president.  I was very young then and I could be wrong.  I also think Nancy ran the country during the last 2 years of Reagan’s presidency.   I don’t remember much about Reagan as governor (I was a tad bit young at the time).   Clinton may have done a few good things, but as a leader, he ranks up there with trump – someone not to emulate.  Obama was ok, but I have one thing against him.  I know you will disagree with me strongly on this point.  What I have against him is that he legalized homosexuality (something that I am strongly against).

      July 4, 2020 1:25 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh. Yes. We do disagree on that. But actually your view and mine differ greatly. I say he made it legal to love whomever you love. You say it a different way. As a child I was taught GOD IS LOVE. If that is true then how can GOD not honor it? How can anyone actually think LOVING is a sin? LOVING makes you a 'bad" person if you don't love those of whom others approve? I just think that is ludicrous and ridiculous but our son David as a Jehovah's Witness said it was an abomination. We never discussed it because I could not disagree with him more. I get it Shuhak. You are a different kind of Christian than I am. GOD made all of us. Why would HE make junk? GOD gave us free will. Why would he do that unless you believe it is to test us to see what choices we will make and then HE either dislikes us or likes us. Really? You think GOD is that petty? Anyway we don't have to agree. You don't mind male friends loving each other as long as there is no sex involved. Correct? Different strokes. I'm going to ask. Thank you for your reply.
      July 6, 2020 3:43 AM MDT

  • 10578

    Love is never wrong.  Anyone can love anyone else.  In fact, God commands us to love everyone.  His only command is love Him and love others (all the other “commands” merely emphasize this one command).  If everyone loved everyone else we wouldn’t be in the mess were in today.  It’s not love that God condemns, it’s the violation of His design.  He designed male and female bodies for procreation (male+male or female+female cannot procreate).  Anatomy 101.  People turn to homosexuality to carry out their perverted lusts.  God didn’t tell us that homosexuality is bad because He’s mean or doesn’t want people to “have fun”.  He told us it’s wrong because it can/will hurt us.  Look at all the controversy and hatred the subject causes.  Look at the diseases that can happen from it (ie AIDS).  Everything that God tells us is for our benefit.  To help us live better, happier, and healthier lives and spare us from a lot of pain and sorrow.  God is our father.  And just like any loving dad, He wants what’s best for His children.  Unfortunately, we’re often too headstrong to listen to Him.  We think we know the best way to live.  And so we suffer.

      July 6, 2020 10:52 AM MDT

  • 16666
    The US has had some very effective presidents who were thoroughgoing bastards. Even Nixon did some good. Conversely, they've had some nice guys who were poor Presidents.

    Since WW2, the US has had two good Presidents who were also decent human beings.

    Truman - dropped a Hell weapon on two Japanese cities despite the Pottsdam agreement - which was for the Soviets to become involved in the Pacific War on August 15, 1945. The sole reason for using nuclear weapons (still the only instance of these being used in warfare) was to make the Japanese holler "uncle" before the Russians got there. Japan was losing anyway.
    Eisenhower - one of the two. Reluctant to become involved in Korea and disengaged as soon as could be managed.
    Kennedy - good President, lousy human being. Continued to chase skirt despite having the gorgeous Jackie at home.
    Johnson - warmonger. Had no good reason to send young men to die in Viet Nam.
    Nixon - Watergate. 'Nuff said.
    Ford - wimp. Pardoned Nixon.
    Carter - another wimp. Both were nice guys. Nice guys finish last for a reason.
    Reagan - He was actually dead, but those pulling his strings were sharp enough. Ron did an actor's job - wore the clothes, struck the poses, spoke the lines but wasn't responsible for any of them. Also had a very able Veep.
    Bush1 - although a brilliant Veep, he didn't really have the stones for the top job. Hampered by having a brain-dead cretin as VP, he didn't dare do anything risky for fear of letting a President Quayle loose.
    Clinton - Kennedy squared, although if I was married to Hillary I might have strayed too. Very good President, the last to balance the books and NOT increase the debt. Bad person.
    Bush2 - I think he may have been actually retarded. Dumb as a brick, and at least partly responsible for the worst Depression since the Great one.
    Obama - the other one. Clever, reversed the recession and got the economy moving again. Spoke softly, carried a big stick and at least attempted to match the rest of the developed world as far as healthcare was concerned. Created more jobs in his last two years than Trump did in his first three - and DJT didn't inherit a disaster like Obama did.
    Finally we come to His Royal Orangeness, arguably the worst President since Warren G Harding and whose administration Trump's resembles. A thoroughly evil narcissist and as President has reduced America to the butt of a lot of jokes. Fired Obama's Pandemic preparedness team, then had nobody to intercept this one.
      July 4, 2020 7:35 AM MDT

  • 33921
    What year of the 8 years did Clinton not increase the debt? 
      July 6, 2020 4:46 AM MDT