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Discussion » Questions » Politics » Why would Donald Trump think that he looks like the Lone Ranger when he wears a coronavirus face mask?

Why would Donald Trump think that he looks like the Lone Ranger when he wears a coronavirus face mask?

Yesturday  Trump  said that he is all for wearing  masks  and he llikes wearing them because they make him look like the Lone Ranger. I have only watched a few Lone Ranger shows but it seemed like he used a mask to cover up his eyes not his mouth.  It would  of made more sense  if Trump said that  wearing  a mask makes him look  like a doctor. Going to be interesting to  see how  the Trump team tries to spin Trump's stupid Lone  Ranger remark. Cheers!

Posted - July 2, 2020


  • 11552
    My first thought when I heard him say that was that someone should tell him he's wearing it wrong. But we've got to at least give Trump credit for trying to promote masks, even though it's pitifully little and very late.
      July 2, 2020 8:39 PM MDT

  • 11403
    My first thought was  that he was confusing  bank robbers with the Lone Ranger. But then I started thinking that maybe he wears the masks to cover up his eyes because he drinks bleach to fight the virus and the bleach fumes burns his eyes. I'm not giving  him credit for saying he now likes masks because he is probably only doing it to make himself look like a hero.  Today his son made a bunch  of false claims about how masks arn't good so it's like the Trump's are playing both sides of the coin. Cheers!
      July 2, 2020 9:34 PM MDT

  • 19937
     I guess that if Trump thinks he looks like the Lone Ranger, Pence must be Tonto.  Wouldn't that be cultural appropriation?
      July 3, 2020 7:51 AM MDT

  • 11403
    I think William  Barr would be Tonto and Pence would be a hitching post for the horses. Cheers and happy weekend!
      July 3, 2020 9:29 AM MDT