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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Nancy Reagan was a fan of Astrology so she consulted with one before she let Ronnie set his schedule. Was Ronnie a good president?

Nancy Reagan was a fan of Astrology so she consulted with one before she let Ronnie set his schedule. Was Ronnie a good president?

I think he was an okay guy as okay goes. Didn't care for his policies as Governor of California nor what he did as prez. But he was good friends with a top Democrat. He and Tip O'Neil would spend time together socializing after hours. They were adversaries during the day at work and pals at night.

Anyone who can do that...set aside political okay by me.

But as far as excellence in presidenting. What kind of prez d'ya think Reagan was besides likable?

Posted - July 4, 2020


  • 16666
    He did an actor's job. Wore the clothes, struck the poses, played the scenes, spoke the lines but didn't write any of it. He had a very sharp team behind him, a very able Veep and he let them run the show while he provided patronage. A figurehead - he was PLAYING President rather than BEING it.
    That said, his administration was wildly successful - probably because he wasn't in charge.
      July 4, 2020 7:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    He played the role of "nice guy" convincingly. He sold me on that aspect of his time on stage. He was very manipulatable I believe due to that. Just thought of a question I'll ask. How was his administration "wildly" successful? What about the Iran Contrra scandal? Or am I confusing that with another president? Thank you for your reply R. As Governor of California he took free public education and turned it into a moneymaking propiosition. Not a far of his through I did not despise him. Just tolerated (barely) him. :)
      July 4, 2020 8:01 AM MDT