It could have worked IF people had taken the precautions seriously (wear a mask and social distance). But nooooo… ain’t nobody gonna tell them what they have to do and can’t do. Bu god this is America and they are “free” to do anything they wish - “I will do as I darn well please!”.
This virus could be contained if people would stop thinking only about themselves and consider others first. “I may have the right to do such and such, but if it hurts others I won’t do it.”
It’s impossible to understand stupidity. It defies all logic and reason.
Stupidity blinds a person. It makes them unable to see or comprehend the obvious, even though it’s staring them right in the face. To a sensible person, that’s illogical.
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten tired of being smart, but there have been times when I wished I wasn’t so smart. Intelligence can be a put off to others – especially when they aren’t. Sometimes my intelligence can make me come across as a know-it-all… and no one likes a know-it-all. It’s not easy to “dumb yourself down”, and there are more idiots in the world than smart ones.