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"Hospitals in hard-hit Florida counties REACH CAPACITY". Good job trump! Great job de Santis. What's your next pet trick gonna be?

Posted - July 7, 2020


  • It's true that many view the possibility of life moving ahead as a real disappointment. But the sun will rise in the morning and life will continue as much as that pierces the heart and soul of the pessimists among us. We have survived the Black Death, smallpox, yellow fever, cholera, polio and Spanish Flu. Something tells me we'll survive this. But as I've said before, don't pass up a pandemic as fodder to fuel political subterfuge, especially in the big cities and state houses with Democrat administrations. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at July 7, 2020 4:56 PM MDT
      July 7, 2020 12:20 PM MDT

  • 11006
    Next pet trick will be trying to cover up the fact that one of the reasons that they don't have enough respirators is because Trump sent 200 of them to Russia. In it's self  that's not so bad what makes  it extra bad is those respirators were from the stock pile that Obama left - so while Trump was telling  Americans that Obama left him a empty cuboard he was taking supplies from it and giving them to Russia. I hope I'm wrong but I think the US is entering the stage were doctors are going to have to chose who lives and who dies. And I think that the reason will be because Trump and the coronaviris task force didn't make sure that there was a huge stock pile of ventalaters and  protective gear. Cheers!

      July 7, 2020 12:21 PM MDT

  • 113301
    SAY WHAT? OMG OMG OMG Nanoose! Well what more proof do we need than that the trump is so besotted with putin (or putin really has a LOT OF DIRT on him) he is sacrificing AMERICAN lives for Russian? Well I know there is no low too low for the scumbag dirthog to go. Russia? Everything revolves around Russia. One day if we survive trump and live long enough I hope to he** we find out exactly why the trump sold us down the river to Russia. You constantly inform me of stuff I SHOULD KNOW BUT DON'T. I have no idea how you, A Canadian, can do that but m'dear please keep doing it. It hurts a lot to learn about this stuff but better we know. Ya know? Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 7, 2020 4:56 PM MDT
      July 7, 2020 1:40 PM MDT

  • 23463
    Hi Rosie,
    I hadn't heard about this either and I found this report on it. The 200 ventilators were sent to Russia back in May; Russia had requested help from us. According to the report here, Russia at the time was having a crisis. Like Nanoose said, in and of itself, I find helping out other people (Russia or whatever country) is not bad; in fact, I find it  admirable -- however, it would not be so nice if the president failed to maybe acknowledge that indeed there was an Obama stockpile, especially if that was from where the ventilators  came.  (It'd be sort of amiss, in my opinion, for the president to fail to acknowledge from where they came, only in the fact that he has frequently said how bad Obama left everything for him. As in, Obama left nothing of help for him.)

    I'm going to try to post the article - - whoa - - it might be big, ha! :)  The article is from May 20, 2020. It seems not to go into detail about from where the ventilators came, other than the first 50 were made in the USA. 

    US sends 200 ventilators to Russia as crisis deepens, hopes for ‘better relationship’

    PUBLISHED WED, MAY 20 20205:01 AM EDT
    • The U.S. is to send 200 ventilators to Russia as it experiences “a true public health crisis due to the Covid-19 outbreak,” with the first shipment of the potentially life-saving machines due to arrive imminently.
    • Russia’s coronavirus cases neared 300,000 on Wednesday, cementing its position as the country with the second-highest number of confirmed virus cases after the U.S., which has over 1.5 million cases.

    The U.S. is to send 200 ventilators to Russia after President Vladimir Putin called President Donald Trump to ask for help, according to the U.S. State Department.

    The U.S. will start to deliver the ventilators to Russia this week as the country experiences “a true public health crisis due to the Covid-19 outbreak,” the State Department told CNBC Tuesday,


    Russia’s coronavirus cases neared 300,000 on Wednesday, cementing its position as the country with the second-highest number of confirmed virus cases after the U.S., which has over 1.5 million cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

    “In response to President Putin’s request for assistance, President Trump offered to donate and deliver 200 ventilators to the Russian people. The first 50 ventilators are being produced by the manufacturer in the United States, and are expected to be ready for shipment May 20,” the spokesperson said.

    The U.S. said the sending of medical aid to Russia was part of a raft of measures it had taken to help its global allies and that it wanted to improve U.S.-Russia relations, which have been strained in recent years following its  annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and meddling in the U.S.′ 2016 election, both of which drew international condemnation and led to economic sanctions on Russia.

    “The United States seeks a better relationship with Russia on many fronts and the door to dialogue remains open.  We must all work together to overcome this common threat that knows no boundaries. The United States and Russia have provided humanitarian assistance to each other during past crises and will no doubt do so again in the future,” the spokesperson noted.

    Moscow’s request for medical aid comes after it sent what it called “humanitarian aid” to the U.S. in early April as the coronavirus pandemic took hold in New York. Russia sent the U.S. a cargo of medical supplies, including ventilators, but the act of largesse has not been without controversy.


    Critics said Russia had sent the medical supplies as a way to soften the U.S.′ stance on sanctions on Russia (Moscow vehemently denied the aid was aimed at relaxing sanctions) and then safety concerns prompted the U.S. to put a stop to any use of the Russian-made ventilators it was sent after the same model — the Aventa-M ventilator — was investigated as the potential cause of two deadly fires in Russian hospitals that killed several Covid-19 patients.

    U.S. aid to Russia comes as its commitment to the World Health Organization, which has tried to lead a global response to the coronavirus pandemic, looks increasingly fragile.

    Trump said on Tuesday that the WHO must “clean up” its act or the U.S. won’t “be involved with them anymore.” Trump had threatened to pull support from the agency permanently Monday and gave it a 30-day deadline to implement changes.

    The State Dept. spokesperson told CNBC that the U.S. is “the largest contributor to global public health and has committed over 15,000 ventilators to more than 50 countries, including our European Allies and partners.”

    “Through the generosity of the American people and private industry innovation, the United States is providing critical medical supplies and ventilators to people in need around the world.”



    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at July 8, 2020 4:14 AM MDT
      July 7, 2020 4:55 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh my goodness! Oh my gracious! Gee whiz! Thank you for going to all the trouble to post this for us m'dear. I appreciate. I don't know if there is an end to the awful we keep finding out about our current gubment and its parts. It just keeps being grinded/ground out like sausage. Do you think there will be an end? WHEN? Happy Wednesday day to you WQ! :)
      July 8, 2020 4:16 AM MDT

  • 23463
    All I know for sure is that I just try and concentrate on going one day at a time, doing my best within each of those days, and acknowledging that my "best" can change from day to day -- my one day's best is different from another day's best.  :)

    Hey, and thanks for a Pick!!
      July 9, 2020 6:37 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That is what we do too my friend. I mean what choice do we have? So far so good but this new strain spreads more easily or so I have read. Also some of the permanent damage of those who survive it can be very bad. Damage to lungs kidneys even the brain. One survivor needed a lung transplant. Even a mild case can leave behind permanent harm. So we go out when we must with alert trepidation. Anyone out there can be a carrier. Oh and it's airborne for awhile so someone's cough or sneeze and the left behind parts of it can be inhaled by others nearby. We are all potential killers. Isn't that a kick in the head? You're very welcome WQ and thank you for your reply. Happy Friday. STAY SAFE! :):):) This post was edited by RosieG at July 10, 2020 9:38 AM MDT
      July 10, 2020 4:08 AM MDT