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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you think a society that FREELY ENGAGES IN HATE SPEECH but censors humor is on its deathbed?

Do you think a society that FREELY ENGAGES IN HATE SPEECH but censors humor is on its deathbed?

The dullards, mediocres, averages never get subtle humor. What they don't get they censor. They lack the wherewithall to APPRECIATE it. So they are very suspicious of it and don't want others to have access to it.

Typical dullard mediocrity average standard nothing special off the shelf a dime a dozen. Forbid stifle silence.

Take humor away from everyone. A humorless world. Just what everyone has been hoping for and praying for and well at least in America it's here. Build the wall. Send her back. Lock her up. Everyone says so.

Posted - July 13, 2020
