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What is your “Worst Supervisor/Manager/Boss Story”? ~

Posted - July 17, 2020


  • 7408
    I really can’t think of one, I have never had a supervisor/ manager that I have not genuinely liked and got along with. My current boss texts me at all hours of the night and day though because he is a workaholic but it’s fine if I don’t reply until the next working hours, so even that’s not that bad. 
      July 17, 2020 2:14 PM MDT

  • 53686


      Gee, you sure do react differently when I send you late-night texts. Unfair treatment, I’m calling the police. 


      July 18, 2020 9:40 AM MDT

  • 2327
    My supervisor hit me in the back of my head with his open palm while he was walking past me. It wasn't hard. The reason - he just wanted to make me mad so he could laugh. I went to the manager and immediately complained. To my amazement, the manager was completely nonchalant about it, telling me to calm down, and not to worry about it. So, I did what any self-respecting person would do. I walked out. This post was edited by righty1 at July 18, 2020 3:12 AM MDT
      July 17, 2020 2:29 PM MDT

  • 53686


      You were right; who wants to work for a couple of 14-year-olds?

      July 17, 2020 4:55 PM MDT

  • 7939
    I can't choose between two. 

    In the first situation, I was working for a dental office and my direct supervisor instructed me to treat patients differently based on their insurance in terms of when we'd allow them on the schedule. I turned in my notice and spoke to the dentist. He informed me the directive had come from him. I was heartbroken, but not overly surprised.

    More recently, I was working for a woman who pushed me into 90-hour workweeks and contacted me all hours of the day. I was literally getting texts from her at 2am. She did a lot of horrible things, but what pushed me over the edge was that she began assigning me things and then deleting the work so people didn't know how much she had given me to do, or claiming she had never asked me to do things and then making me delete them. She admitted her deletions were to hide how much work I was doing. The stuff she made me delete, she stuck to her story about not being involved in it, despite the fact that we had written conversations indicating she had.
      July 17, 2020 7:58 PM MDT

  • 53686


      The second one wins for being worst. 


      July 18, 2020 9:41 AM MDT

  • 5450
    My worst manager was Mike the Micromanager at my last job.  The owner of the company finally fired him shortly before I left.  I started with that company as a driver.  He made really annoying rules but I liked the pay so I didn't complain too much.  It made perfect sense to wear a safety vest when we were unloading the truck but we were supposed to keep the safety vest on while we were driving.  I don't know what that was supposed to accomplish.  

    Mike was super-obsessed about safety!  We had to carry several safety forms with us and fill them out every single time we saw a potentially dangerous situation but we had to fill them out for completely ridiculous things.  One time he wrote me up because I didn't fill out one of his stupid safety forms when I drove into a county that was under a tornado watch.  It was sunny all day!  He wrote up the other driver who was delivering to the same place I was that day for the same thing!  UGH!

    He was even worse when I worked in the office.  We had still had to wear safety vests in the office. It was an office!  We had to have a stack of blank safety forms on our desk ready to fill out if there was something like a mosquito in the office that could potentially carry West Nile Virus.  I put that on a safety form once!  He was so proud of me so I guess he didn't understand sarcasm!

    We weren't even safe from his safety rules on lunch break!  He wrote up one of my co-workers because he thought the bites she was taking out of her food were too big.  He said it presented a choking hazard, lol.  Umm yeah, he was the dumbest boss ever!

      July 18, 2020 3:12 AM MDT

  • 53686


      You hid his stapler all the time, didn’t you?  (I know you.)


      July 18, 2020 5:04 AM MDT

  • 555
    I don't really have any bad experiences with bosses . . . but it puts me in mind of a job interview I once attended. It must have been about twenty years ago. The one thing I remember about it that a wasp was in the interview room, and my interviewer, in front of my eyes, pursued, trapped and killed it . . . with his bare hands. At that moment I made up my mind that I would not want to have him as my supervisor or head of department. It wasn't so much that I had a strong moral objection to killing insects or invertebrates at the time, but it was just the idea that he could kill something without caring whether he might get hurt in the process. It made me think, "what else is he capable of?". I can't remember whether or not I was offered the job but I think I would have turned it down.

    I seem to remember that a few months after that incident he was suspended from his post for some form of misconduct, so maybe that shows I'm a good judge of character, at least on some occasions. This post was edited by Reverend Muhammadovsky at September 3, 2020 5:49 PM MDT
      September 3, 2020 5:48 PM MDT