What are you doing to get all pumped up to encourage that feeling?
I'm going to listen to patriotic songs.
I'll get twice as drunk at Tahoe for you :)
Gonna wear my American flag bathing suit at the beach at Lake Tahoe. Should be beautiful and sunny there on the 4th. Last year it was pouring rain!
Nah. I will be working,
For what?
When I was young, I served this great country while the libs sucked up the dole for college grant money so they could "study" useless subjects and affiliate with various anti-American causes.
Through later life, I continued to have pride in that service. I also continued to work, pay taxes, and bear the load for the entitled libs as well as for myself.
I do not need the "patriotic songs" or any other superficialities, or to do anything to get all pumped up about love of country. I simply live it in the things I do, and have done so all my days.
Yes!! Of course!!!
Good old remembrance of the brave souls that gave us our freedom, our constitution, and declaration of independence. Do progressive libs celebrate this holiday? I mean they're against most everything our forefathers fought for.
Most excellent DDT.
What do you mean, Q?
Because it's great, to be patriotic and celebrate your country. Just because the country is been led by these people, it doesn't mean that it principles are sound. You don't think so, my friend?
There can be. We usually end up going to the beach in South Lake Tahoe that's closest to the Nevada border, where the casinos are (there is a nightclub in one of them). So it can be cracking there :) There are always a lot of people on the beach if the weather's nice too.
No. When they invent silent fireworks, I'll celebrate! : )
My daughter is in South Lake Tahoe too today with her family. I went to High school in Davis and skied in Heavenly and other places every weekend. I love it there. Have fun!