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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The decline and fall of the United States happened very quickly. It used to be a player. Now it is a LAUGHINGSTOCK worldwide. Why?

The decline and fall of the United States happened very quickly. It used to be a player. Now it is a LAUGHINGSTOCK worldwide. Why?

We had a chance to kick the BOZO out if the Senate had done its job and also voted to IMPEACH him. He would have been long gone and we would not have paramilitary mysterymeat thugs invading American cities and rubber bulleting baton beating and teargassing American Citizens for exercising their CONSTITUTIONAL rights to gather together to peacefully protest and address the gubment with their grievances.

Paramilitary msyterymeat thugs weaponized to shoot to kill or maim or cripple. In what used to be the land of the brave and the home of the FREE. Hahahahahahahaha. Remember those days?

Welcome to another banana republic third world country led by a Russian plant whose only loyalty is to putin. How d'ya like it so far? I know. Some of you can't get enough of it. Adore it. Bathe in it. Pray for it.

Some of us? Not so much. Well he** you can't please EVERYBODY. The only person pumpkin pleases is putin.
Don'tcha just love alliteration? That is the main directive of the pumpkin. PLEASING PUTIN! Pusillaminous pumpkin putting putin's pleasure prominently predominantly primarily pre-eminently prettily practically perfectly pompously putridly prancing preaching performing pedestrianly preternaturally predictably preterhumanly. The pumpkin has only just begun to service putin. Watch and see how marvelous pumpkin will be futurely when praising putin preserving putin. More of the same but even more than now. He plans to crown putin KING OF AMERICA on his watch. That is his prime directive. Doing pretty dam* good so far.

Posted - July 27, 2020
