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Tropical Storm Hanna hits south Texas. Hurrican Douglas threatens Hawaii coast with heavy rains/strong winds. How's it goin' in YOUR hood?


Posted - July 27, 2020


  • 19938
    And those are his good qualities. :)
      July 31, 2020 8:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You have the best one-liners I ever saw! I  believe the one about pumpkin never attending the theater was a one-liner. Remember the one that got pulled because what was implied offended the puller? That one! Thank you for your reply L. We should take our act on the road. I will happily continue to do the setups for you. Keep 'em laughing, right? :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 31, 2020 9:54 AM MDT
      July 31, 2020 9:51 AM MDT

  • 19938
    I recall that line and I recall it getting pulled.  :)  We would make a good team.  Happy Friday. :)
      July 31, 2020 9:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    WE ALREADY ARE AND HAVE BEEN FOR QUITE AWHILE. No bragging at all. Just stating my opinion! But you know what? I snuck it in and as far as I know I got away with it. There are many ways to "skin a cat" and I think between the two of us we got that covered! Of course this could be pulled but so what? Right? :)
      July 31, 2020 11:56 AM MDT

  • 19938
    LOL ... 
      July 31, 2020 1:32 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You laugh I giggle. Feels good my friend. Today is projected to be 106 and Jim is going to play golf! AARRGGHH! He will meet his pals at 7am and ASSURED me that if it got too hot he'd stop. He said maybe he'll just play 9 holes. Now the golf course is in Panorama Village two blocks from home. He will drive down. Some mornings it stays relatively cool longer than other days. I hope today will be such a day.  I woke up to 85 outside! Right now it is 81. Now Jim has a hat he wears and he will be protected by using sunscreen and he has a cloth you wet that stays wet and cool that he puts around his neck. And he also takes water with him...icewater. But I'll be glad when he is back home. Poor guy. Tennis on Wednesdays is OUT. Too hot for that. Golf doesn't take so much energy. He and his friend Alan used to go out to lunch on Saturdays after they were done playing golf. They can't do that and they miss it. What is your game plan for today L? How is your sciatica? Pain gone I hope? Thank you for the laugh and Happy Saturday! :). This post was edited by RosieG at August 1, 2020 6:38 AM MDT
      August 1, 2020 2:49 AM MDT

  • 19938
    Hi.  Right now, it's 78/feels like 81 with patchy clouds and the humidity is not too bad.  Expecting a high of 86 which is still too warm for me.  I don't know how Jim does it - I couldn't do anything like that even in the early morning.  I'm still bothered by the sciatica, but it's slowly easing up a bit.  I don't plan on doing anything much.  There really isn't anywhere to go.  Right now, it's comfortable and I have all my windows open just to get some fresh air in the house.  I've had the A/C going for most of this week and it's nice to be able to open windows, at least until it gets too warm.  Happy Saturday. :)
      August 1, 2020 6:43 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Glad the sciatica pain is backing off a bit. You know L how lucky are we that we have computers and TV's and inquiring minds? Imagine this happening when we used to go to the library to research things and only had the radio for entertainment? A lot more books would be read for sure. Sad bad mad it had to happen but at least we have ways to keep in touch with the world. Way back when there was the Pony Express! YIKES! Thank you for your reply. I'll worry till Jim comes homes. He PROMISED me that if it he were feeling uncomfy he'd just leave. He has that arrangement with Alan. I mean Alan is in his late 50's and you know Jim is 84! So we'll see. He does so LOVE the game and he practices at a makeshift setup he has in the living room. And sometimes he will go down to the golf course very early to just practice. But it's not the same thing as playing a game. Fingers crossed! :) ((hugs)) This post was edited by RosieG at August 1, 2020 7:09 AM MDT
      August 1, 2020 6:48 AM MDT

  • 19938
    Well, as long as he knows his limitations and has someone to watch out for him, he should be OK.  Hydration is most important and a sun hat helps a lot.  
      August 1, 2020 6:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    He has a really good sun hat L. It has holes in it around the brim like an Aussie outback hat. You can put water on it and it keeps you cool. It has a nice wide brim. He looks very dashing in it. I think Alan watches out for him too. But I will feel better when he is home safe in the cool. And he does take ice water with him too. Keep cool today. When does winter start again? I think we're gonna have a pretty hot autumn for some reason. I sure hope I'm wrong! :) Oh I just told Jim of your concern and he said  to tell you the hat is an "AUSSIE" hat. I laughed cuz I already told you that. He said thanks for your concern! He knows all about our long-time chats and fun and "conspiracies" and "collusions" right under the noses of the...oops. I better shut up. Quit while I'm ahead! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 1, 2020 7:24 AM MDT
      August 1, 2020 7:06 AM MDT

  • 19938
    I bet Jim looks very handsome in his Aussie hat. :)  I know that as I've gotten older, my tolerance for the hear has declined.  Once it goes over 75, it's too warm for me.  I don't mind the cold at all - just the snow, but we had very little of that this winter and it was one of the warmest winters in a long time.  I love it in October when it's cool at night and mild during the day.  I like being able to keep the windows open.
      August 1, 2020 7:27 AM MDT

  • 113301
    He just left. It's 72 outside right now and quite comfy. I checked out all his gear he has two bottles of large enough to accommodate lots of ice. He has the neck wrap which he will get wet when he gets to the golf course. There is a clubhouse there with a kitchen and bathroom. He has his suntan lotion on his hat on so I think he's set. Some mornings the heat comes on more slowly. I hope today is such a morning. We don't mind cold either. Of course we'd d'ruther live at the beach but too pricey for us. Most of the year here is quite pleasant actually. It's just the summer heat that we INTENSELY DISLIKE but we've survived each year so why should this year be any different? Except you know I cannot recall a time when the entire country was so gripped with heat. I don't mean just hot. I mean EXTREMELY hot. It does not bode well futurely. Autumn is our favorite time of year. Believe it or not we do have trees whose colors change.  Nothing like you have of course but still here and there we do see the beauty of autumn. I don't know whether our tolerance for heat is less or that just being older makes it seem more intolerable. Perhaps both. As long as the air conditioning works and the electric company doesn't inadvertently cut the line we'll be fine! :) Right now I have no appetite for anything. It's hard to fix any food if I'm not hungry for it. Maybe potato salad or something. Nothing that requires heat to cook it.  I always bake my potatoes in the microwave when I make potato salad. No muss no fuss no heat! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 1, 2020 12:16 PM MDT
      August 1, 2020 7:46 AM MDT

  • 19938
    Well, the hottest time of the day is 3 PM and at 2:15, it's already 88.  However, there is breeze and low humidity, so the fans are enough for now.  Jim sounds like he's all set. :)
      August 1, 2020 12:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Jim is dozing now. I love to see him sleep and rest. He's always on the go doing something or another. At some point we have to listen to our bodies and he does!  We ate after he took his shower. I told him I was so happy he came home when he felt he had enough and didn't feel obligated to hang in. Makes me feel better about his going out. Right now outside it is 104! Air conditioning is working just great! Every day I'm grateful for that. It's 11:47a.m here right now. We will overcome! We will survive! Right? No doubt! Thank you for your reply L. Happy afternoon and evening! :)
      August 1, 2020 12:48 PM MDT

  • 19938
    I'm happy to hear he came home and is OK.  I love to nap - any time, anywhere.  Yes, we will get through all of this - the heat, the virus - everything because we're fighters and we learned how to deal with things we don't like and can't control. :)  Happy Saturday. :)
      August 1, 2020 1:25 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Good news! Next Thursday it will only get up to 87 in Hemet! Whoa momma! Today and tomorrow will be low triple digit. Yes Jim had fun though he said he didn't do very well. He said it was kinda warm. He used to play EVERY SATURDAY 18 holes. Now if he plays it's rare and as is true of everything practice makes people better. But he had fun at no cost to himself health-wise. He came home, took his shower and was rejuvenated! I wonder who invented showers? As a little girl all we had was a bathtub! I digress. Have a great day today L and Happy Sunday! :)
      August 2, 2020 4:53 AM MDT

  • 19938
    Right now, it's 88/real feel 95, humidity 62%.  There's a nice breeze, but no real relief so I have the A/C on.  I have to go out because I need to mail a birthday card to my niece otherwise I would be in the house.  We're supposed to get some of that Hurricane Isaias some time today, tomorrow and Tuesday, so i have to mail that card today.  Fortunately, I don't need to food shop.  

    Sorry Jim didn't do well.  It's just too hot to be outside in this weather.  Happy Sunday. :)
      August 2, 2020 12:11 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It will be a tad bit cooler this week here L. One day will be a high of 86 and another a high of 89. So that's better. A short respite from more HOT HOT HOT to come. I told Jim how happy I was that he just left when he had had enough. Hope if you get any of Isaias it's just a teeny tiny bit. New York has suffered quite enough thank you very much. You don't need any more on your plate. For us there is a raging fire in Cherry Valley that took 12,000 acres last I heard. It's far enough away that we are not threatened in Hemet. There was a small earthquake (4.3) in Pacoima a few days ago but nothing since. That's about 90 miles away from Hemet. Sadly I fear this is EARTHQUAKE weather so I guess anything can happen here. In the south there are hurriacnes. Earthquakes hurricanes floods tornadoes fires mudslides pandemic pumpkina**. What next? Apocalypse? Armageddon? Well ya see Mother Nature has to be noticed from time to time lest we forget her power over us. Too much at once to think about. Not too much of  it is happifying. Thank you for your reply L and Happy Monday! STAY SAFE! :)
      August 3, 2020 4:19 AM MDT

  • 19938
    I saw the reports on the fires in southern CA.  They do so much damage.  Now it seems that FL will be spared from Hurricane Isaias, but we will get some of his wrath tomorrow.  I think it may be down to a tropical storm at this point, but that could mean a lot of rain and flooding in our low-lying areas.  We do need the rain - it's been a very dry summer and hotter than usual.  The northeast doesn't get the very serious natural disasters that many other areas of the country get.  New Jersey has seen a few tornadoes lately, but no quakes, wildfires, etc.  Right now, it's 85/real feel 93 and sunny.  Not much of a breeze.  It will probably hit 90 by mid-afternoon.  Tomorrow 74/77 with lots of wind and rain.  Good day to do laundry. :)  Happy Monday. :)
      August 3, 2020 9:43 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Did laundry this morning. Right now it's 83 in and 83 out so no problemo. Check back later at 3pm? No. On second thought don't. That's when it gets its hottest. Sometimes you get hit with n'oreasters in New York though don't you? When I lived in Massachusetts we sure did. My son was born during one! The hospital was 20 minutes away and it took a very long time to get there. 1966 to be exact. The year he was born. I remember driving on BLACK ice buried under snow during the winters. Boy talk about an exciting ride that would be it. Not recommended for faint hearts ESPECIALLY when your toddler is strapped in a car seat in the backseat. I had some really scary times. But all in all I Loved the years in Massachusetts. The people were great and there was so much history. We'd spend time at Walden Pond, just a couple of miles from where we lived in East Acton. You couldn't go in the water but you could take a blanket down to the shore and sit there on the sandy beach. In autumn you could see the reflection of the trees in the pond...the actual trees and their reflection in blazing autumn colors. It was really breathtaking! Lucky you. Look what you nave to look forward to? How often do you get to Central Park? Thank you for your reply L! :)
      August 3, 2020 9:54 AM MDT

  • 19938
    Yes, we get nor'easters, but not that often.  They're pretty good about clearing the roads when it snows, but I don't drive in it unless it's absolutely necessary.  I've never been to Massachusetts, but upstate New York is very beautiful in the Fall - scenery much like you see on calendars.  Central Park is lovely.  I used to go to the park all the time when our office was further uptown and I could walk there and back on my lunch hour.  I used to go to the children's zoo and watch the seals.  Now our offices are ten blocks farther away and I can't walk as fast as I used to, so it's been a while since I was in the park.
      August 3, 2020 10:44 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Right in the center of the greatest city in the world you have a MASSIVE PARK! Where else does that exist? You know what L? I'm gonna ask. I mean Central Park is AWESOMELY AMAZING so I wonder if any other place in the whole wide world can match it? Thank you for your reply! N:)
      August 3, 2020 10:57 AM MDT

  • 19938
    It is a treasure. :)
      August 3, 2020 11:14 AM MDT