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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You put a 25 watt bulb in a spot where you need a 150 watt bulb. How effective a job can a 25 watt bulb do through no fault of its own?

You put a 25 watt bulb in a spot where you need a 150 watt bulb. How effective a job can a 25 watt bulb do through no fault of its own?

You needed the best and the BRIGHTEST and what you chose was the not so hot and the most dimmest.

I mean is there a lesser watt than 25? 10 watt? 5? -3?

Posted - July 27, 2020


  • 19937
    The bulb in my fridge is fairly low watt and it's still brighter than Trump and it's smart enough to know when to go on and off, which makes it smarter than Trump, too.  
      July 27, 2020 11:04 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Hahahahahahaha! You kill me an excellent way. True dat Sigh. If we could just upgrade him someway to the level of your fridge bulb wooden that be loverly? Thank you for your reply L and Happy Monday to ya. It is hot as you know what everywhere including your where. Stay cool! :)
      July 27, 2020 11:09 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I think he's too old a model for an upgrade.  Time to retire him.  Happy Monday. :)  It's currently 94 with a feel of 97.  I have to make a quick supermarket run a bit later.  
      July 27, 2020 12:09 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Hi L! Happy Tuesday. Thought I'd start off that way rather than end that way. Today we go to Walmart. One day of the next 8 will be double digit. Seven days of triple digit. No big deal! It happens every year here. I don't remember when the entire country was so super hot though. I hope everyone's electricity keeps working. Wonder what pumpkin plans for today? Yesterday he or someone on his "team" referred to "our people" meaning pumpkin lovers I expect. Between thee and me I am THRILLED not be one of his "our". I cannot imagine what I'd be if I were that! Count my blessings every day. A FATE worse than death! Thank you for your reply. Have you noticed prices getting higher and having stores no longer carry some things? :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 28, 2020 9:41 AM MDT
      July 28, 2020 4:08 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Happy Tuesday. :)  I'm going to have to make a supermarket run soon.  I never got there yesterday.  We had a very mild winter, but this summer is slated to be warmer than usual.  We expect another 90+ day and more tomorrow.  UGH!
      July 28, 2020 9:42 AM MDT

  • 113301
    We got back and are now home for the day.  Hit the market then dropped by a mail depot kind of place where you go inside an anteroom and drop off mail already stamped. That was it! Hip hip hurray! We're making it through another day! Thank you for your reply L! :)
      July 28, 2020 12:32 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I haven't gone out yet.  It's 96 degrees and I have no appetite for getting dressed.  I'm going to have to do it today or tomorrow as I'm running out of food!  
      July 28, 2020 1:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh my goodness! How far away is it? Do you walk or drive? How about tomorrow VERY EARLY when it's cooler? Gosh if we were neighbors YOU WOULD NEVER RUN OUT OF FOOD! You know I have THREE refrigerators. Well if you ever consider moving to Hemet so we can be neighbors you have a standing invitation for access at any time to any of them or all of them. I Know you won't. Your sister is in Pennsylvania. But isn't it nice to nice you have a fallback? Oh wait..your best friend. Well I don't mind being 3rd in line L! Anyway take care and wait till tomorrow if you can! :) ((hugs))
      July 28, 2020 1:32 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Thanks for the open invitation.  Much appreciated.  I can't imagine relocating to a warmer climate than where I am now which is why I'm not moving to FL where my best friend lives. :)

    I decided to put in an online order for groceries.  It isn't just the heat - I'm in the middle of a bout with sciatica and it's difficult for me to stand for any length of time.  I can drive to the market, but then I'd have to walk all over the store and wait on line to pay.  Decided it was easier (although more expensive) to order and have it delivered directly to my door.  Then all I have to do is put it all away which I can do at my leisure.  I know I'd never starve if I lived near you. :)  My fear is that if I did, I'd be twice the size I am now!
      July 28, 2020 3:07 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Gosh condolences L. I've had sciatica in the past and it is NO FUN. I think what you did was SMART. Why not take advantage of a service when you really need it. That's what they are there for. I've gone to the market when I've had a problem with my leg or foot and it is NO FUN! Sometimes I get weird pains here and there that are temporary. Aches and pains are rare for me because I'm just really lucky to be my age and virtually pain free except for those "times". Poor Jim has a bad back and so does my sister and that pain is permanent and just doesn't abate. Your best friend lives in Florida? WHY for goodness sakes? It never appealed to me. When I lived in Massachusetts I had a neighbor named Cindy who got to be a good friend. She and her husband and son moved from East Acton, Massachusetts to somewhere in Florida. In a few weeks she sent me a roll of "NO BUGS M'LADY". That's what Floridians had to use on their shelves because the state is so BUGGY and humid. She hated it there but they stayed. We lost touch but whenever FLORIDA Is in the news I think of the bug repellent shelf paper. Also my sis and her ex-husband did move to Florida decades ago and they lasted 3 months. They could not stand the humidity the bugs so they came back to California. Then you've got a wackadoodle crackpot as Governor. I don't get why anyone would willingly live there. I would like to visit St. Augustine though. The first town in America, right? Well I'm going to ask if any mugger lives in Florida. And WHY? Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday. As for your size...I weigh about 114 st 5' 6" and Jim weighs about 153 at 5' 7". We eat heartily but we eat healthily. So not to worry sweetie. You would not blow up! :)
      July 29, 2020 3:14 AM MDT

  • 19937
    She was living in Puerto Rico for many years, but when her family moved to Florida, she moved, too.  Her youngest son owns a boatyard where he does repairs and maintenance.  She is divorced and has not been well for many years now, so being near family is very important to her.  Of course, everything down there is air conditioned and she rarely goes out, but I could never live there.  

    For the first time in my adult life, I had groceries delivered.  I put in the order and an hour later, they delivered everything.  I was concerned that the produce might not be the best, but everything was fresh and kept cold until delivered.  The prices were higher than I thought they would be and I don't know if that's because of the "free" home delivery or that's just usually what they charge.  I don't shop at Stop 'n Shop.  I would be curious to know what my bill would have been if I had shopped at Walmart Supermarket.  Maybe later I'll do a comparison, but I couldn't have stood up long enough to choose my items and go through the line to pay, so I didn't really have much choice.
      July 29, 2020 8:47 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Look honey you are a very smart lady. You KNOW you have to pay attention to your body and LISTEN to it. Really anyone at any age should but the young are hard of hearing sometimes. As we get old we are our own sounding boards and our own Prosecuters. The faster and better you PAY ATTENTION the better off you will be. But I don't have to tell you that. I mean every once in awhile we have to "treat" ourselves .."indulge" outselves. Most of our lives everything is always about others. It just is. Somewhere along the line you come first. Imagine living an entire life where you never did that for yourself? YIKES! I would be very wary of the quality too but if it is topnotch and they didn't try to pass off any not-so-fresh veggies or "sell by date" that was almost here then I'm impressed. It's like going out to a very fancy place for dinner. You don't do a lot. But you have to do it "on occasion". Of course I speak from a Foodie point of view. It applies all down the line. Whatever is your cuppa tea. Know what? When I lived in East Acton, Massachusetts I used to shop at a STOP AND SHOP! Gosh that brings back some pretty nifty memories! So you're good then for a week or so or more? Are you taking any pain meds?  We aren't pill takers but on rare occasion we do because they really do help. I think it's often "inflammation" that causes pain. :)
      July 29, 2020 10:39 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I am indulging myself in not having to supermarket shop for a week or ten days. :)  The doc gave me a muscle relaxer when I went there last Friday, but it isn't doing me much good so far.  I'm not a pill taker either.  Advil usually works for me, but it isn't this time.  
      July 29, 2020 1:38 PM MDT

  • 113301
    What about a heating pad sweetie? It can help relax muscles. Anyway I hope by now you're feeling better. It's a bummer being in a pain that won't leave you alone. Are you able to sleep when you retire or does the pain get in the way? Thank you for your reply L and Happy Thursday! Today will be 106 and tomorrow 108. Probably higher. Well next time around we're going to exceedingly rich so we can live at the beach! Any beach anywhere will do but we're kinda partial to southern California. :)
      July 30, 2020 4:19 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I had a lot of trouble sleeping when this first started, but I have been able to sleep well this past week.  When I'm sitting or lying down, the pain goes away.  It's walking and putting any kind of weight on my right side that's the problem.  Neither heat nor cold helps and the muscle relaxer doesn't seem to be doing much good.  
      July 30, 2020 6:49 AM MDT

  • 113301
    This attack seems to be lasting too long. I mean when I've had problems they go away in a couple of days. Could anything else be adding to it L? Did you do anything like move the wrong way or stretch beyond what you should have? Glad you're at least able to sleep. Do you have a crutch or cane? That might help a tiny bit. Odd that the muscle relaxer isn't working. That's why I'm thinking there may more going on there. Anyway take care of yourself. So glad you don't have to go to work every day. :)
      July 30, 2020 7:00 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I suspect that part of the problem is from the way my laptop is situated and the hassock on which I sit since I've been working from home.  There's no back support which means I'm holding myself in an artificial position and putting more strain on my lower back.  If I had any idea that I would have been doing this for so long, I would have made better arrangements.
      July 30, 2020 7:04 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh my gosh L THAT WILL DO IT! You know there are ERGONOMIC chairs. My son had one when he was a "homer" in his job years ago. He'd work at home 3 days a week and then go into the office two days. The office would be shared with another homer with a different schedule. His work bought him such a chair. I think the chairs are very expensive. Could your boss do the same for you?  He can write it off as a business expense. They make a world of difference. Sitting on hassock with no back support? I'd be a cripple within a week. I have to have a back support. In the olden days when Jim and i went out and had to sit on benches he would sit directly behind me and I'd use his legs for a back rest. Anyway what do you think about a chair like that? Glad you figured it out. I'm having pains thinking about it! :)
      July 30, 2020 7:21 AM MDT

  • 19937
    My boss has offered to buy me whatever I need.  The problem is that I have a one-bedroom apartment and no room for any more furniture.  If I had known it would be this long working at home, I would have made other arrangements.  
      July 30, 2020 8:59 AM MDT

  • 113301
    That is one great boss. What other arrangements would you have made L? Do you have any storage area in your home outside it? Where do you park your car at home? Any storage space in that garage? Maybe you could get someone to help you move something out you need less than you need a really supportive chair? Anyway I hope you are able to figure out something that will alleviate your pain. At least you have an idea about what caused it. How are you today? Thank you for your reply! :)
      August 1, 2020 4:09 AM MDT

  • 17077
    I'm surprised that sciatica affects you worse standing than sitting. I had sciatica due to a ruptured disc (for six years I didnt straighten my left knee), standing bothered me but I could NOT sit upright for more than ten minutes at a time.
    The discectomy and lumbar fusion gave me my life back (a little arthritis, I can live with that).
      July 29, 2020 4:37 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I have a herniated lower disk so when I'm sitting, the spine stretches out more at that point and isn't pressing on a nerve.  When I stand up, the disks compress and the nerve is pinched.  
      July 29, 2020 8:35 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Bummer! :(

    I'm adding something else here. Didn't know where to put it elsewise L.. Jim played 9 rounds of golfs..and then five..and came home. Ordinarily normally he plays 18. He just came out of the shower and is just fine! I thought you'd like to know! Have a great day L! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 1, 2020 11:03 AM MDT
      July 30, 2020 4:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
      July 30, 2020 4:19 AM MDT