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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Cleveland Detroit Milwaukee! Y'all are next on the pumpkin HIT LIST. Fed mystery meat thugs will be coming to YOUR city to do what exactly?

Cleveland Detroit Milwaukee! Y'all are next on the pumpkin HIT LIST. Fed mystery meat thugs will be coming to YOUR city to do what exactly?

Pumpkin boy is filled with joy each and every ntime he can deploy those mystery meat thugs.

He thinks that makes up for his being a five-time fake bonespure draft dogers. It don't!

Posted - July 29, 2020


  • 2706
     From what I understand Federal agents will be sent to Detroit to help fight the violent crime that has been raging there for quite some time now. The Detroit City police chief welcomes the help.

    Why does he welcome the help? For one, the police force has been cut "40 percent" over the last decade so the response time to emergency calls is 5 times higher than the national average.

     Another, reason why the Police Chief welcomes Federal help is that Detroit has been the victim of a half-century of one-party "progressive" rule. Specifically, it has been the victim of 50 years of irresponsible, ineffective, and dangerous Democratic Party governance. And the violence in the city reflects that.

      The police force being cut by 40 percent is already bad enough. I would hate to think what would happen if our Democrat Governor follows through with her asinine idea to defund the police completely. Anarchy for one. 
      July 29, 2020 10:33 PM MDT