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Trump's uncensored lewd comments about women in 2005 - Question: Why would anyone choose to vote for someone still "under construction"?

Such stupid comments are quite common with immature, silly adolescents .... but not from 60 year-old men.
Mr Trump, I am afraid to say at that age, it surely shows a screw or two must be loose.
It is debatable if not very likely that even the whole tool box is missing!
“And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab them by the pussy……”

Posted - October 8, 2016


  • 2465
    Some people seem so shocked that Trump said all those things.  What does it take to convince people that he showed his true colors a long time ago  During his "apology", he spent more time blaming others for their indiscretions than he did his own.  I found it amazing he would point fingers at Bill for cheating but he's done the same thing.  When he talked about trying to "f" the married Nancy O'Dell, he was engaged to Melania, not to mention his other indiscretions.   He's a despicable pig.
      October 8, 2016 6:14 AM MDT

  • 85
    Thank you for agreeing. That's what I meant by"someone still under construction". People who are incapable of owning up, accepting responsibility for their own actions and mistakes. He appears to apologise but he's still blaming others or trying to deflect responsibility.
    Such weaklings are unfit to lead any country, let alone the USA.
      October 8, 2016 6:24 AM MDT