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Discussion » Questions » Family » I'm a mom/wife/sister-in-law/friend. I always thought men and women were mutually respectful. Is Trump the norm or the bad-boy exception?

I'm a mom/wife/sister-in-law/friend. I always thought men and women were mutually respectful. Is Trump the norm or the bad-boy exception?

Posted - October 8, 2016


  • I'm in no position to address it. I was raised in an environment where women were protected, honored, sheltered, treated with respect and deference. We considered ourselves to be the cradle of manners, gentility and civility. With time, I've come to understand through my interactions with society, just how completely wrong that was and how damaging. Regarding Trump, whether he made out of the way comments five minutes ago or even five decades ago, he should be held accountable relentlessly and without end. Why? Because in addition to being a crude and vulgar society, we are also very hypocritical in most of what we say and do. 
      October 8, 2016 8:21 AM MDT