Pumpkina** will privatize the US post office. All mail will be delivered via vetting from the white house. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Pumpkina** will declare MARTIAL LAW. His mystery meat thugs paramilitarily clothes and unidentified will flood American cities and be there 24/7. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Pumpkina** will eliminate all elections. He will close all polling places. He will have ended absentee voting when he privatizes mail delivery.
Everyone who didn't vote for him will have a number ENGRAVED on his/her hand to identify his unfans. Rather like that which Hitler did to the Jews. Engraved numbers on their flesh.
Happy future y'all. YOUR FONDEST DREAMS WILL COME TRUE. Pumpkina** will always be there for you. Even when he dies he will be stuffed and sit in the oval office. He will never leave you.