swam swim swim swimming swimmed swimt swimted swoulm swimst swimmerood schwlimmizzled swimmeded swimmé swym
Inspired by this question: https://answermug.com/forums/topic/112964/what-s-the-longest-distance-you-can-swim
Wow, you really swimt into that one. Some people will fall for anything.
should of
Are you prepositioning me?
Sorry, I’ve taken a vowel of silence with the Catalyst Church that prevents me from responding.
I'm consonantly hearing that excuse lately.
Word you mind not toiling me that, fleece? There’s no way I can make it write for you, I’m just a simple linguini-ist trying to make it day-by-day.
Pardon my interjection here, but in conjunction with a recent article predicated on verbal pronounciation, it is unwaffle to preposition a person.
Jealous, yo.