Why the pandemicpumpkina** of course.
His jealousy is unbounded when it comes to President Barack Obama. He is GREEN with jealousy 24/7 and well an orange man in green? Not so good.
He is also the evil stepmother and treats DEMOCRATS like Cinderella.
A "male" version of course. Well maybe a girly man verion. He is JEALOUS and SPITEFUL and uses all his power FOR his pals and AGAINST those who don't roll over for him and kiss his a**.
Now we know exactly WHAT cartoon character/characters he represents.
Every day in every way JEALOUSY drives him. Every day in every way HATE is its companion. He is so good for his peeps they pray to him 24/7. Do I KNOW that for a fact? Did GOD inform of that? No of course not.
And anyway if GOD is okay with it who am I to question it?