HaHaHa ...No one believes in reincarnation?.... Of course i believe in reincarnation. We have many lessons to learn and know, but in one lifetime? Nope. We take a new residence into a new body after we outlive our current one. We actually don't die just the body dies. Our Soul is immortal, but because we have, because of our Ego, separated ourselves from Absolute Consciousness, and identify with the body, we live hundreds of lives not even being aware of our immortal Self because of our attachment to this world. ...Simple solution? Dissolve the Ego, let go of all attachments and Enlightenment happens automatically. Our Souls mission is to become aware of itself but our Ego dictates the way of a separate identity, So our awareness and attachment is to the world we have created. Never do we look inward towards our Absolute Self, and so we spend lifetime after lifetime just being aware and attached to the physical world. Through Past Life Regression With a guide to direct you, one can go back and back in your life until you took the body this time, and then with the guides direction to stay above and just watch, cross over to your last life, and seeing that you were a different person, yet you were and are the same being. ...With all of that you are you no matter how many people you have been. That's why Great teachers have, from the beginning of time, taught that you are not the body, but that you are that presence within you, and that you can know and experience that presence through Meditation.
I find the idea that our spirits live on even without our conscious thought to be quite romantic but I don't give it enough thought to say I actually believe in it.