I expect there are Racists and Chaivinists among Democrats too.
Republicans don't have a LOCK on either though I do STRONGLY suspect more of them ARE both than is true among Democrats.
Fact is I DON'T KNOW
So of course whomever he chooses will be tarred and feather by pandemimpumpkina**, his toady sycophants and his adoring worshippes. We know that. The exact same thing would be true no matter whom Joe chose. That is a given.
The unknown part among those who vote Democratic what will the effect be, the impact? We'll find out. Any guesses?.
Of course. The reason he’s going to choose a woman is to get the female vote and to placate those who want a female president (2 birds with 1 stone). The main reason to choose a black person is that right now race is a very sore issue. This will not only help placate many people, but it will help him get the black vote. Pure politics.
Note - I am NOT being racist or sexist. A woman as well as a black person would make a perfect running mate, if they’re qualified. Qualification is the key issue. He should pick someone who is qualified for the position, regardless of his or her gender or skin color. There's a chance that he won’t be able to complete his term (health issues, death, mental breakdown, etc.). Therefore, the person he picks needs to be someone who is able to lead the country – just in case – not just someone who placates some of the people right now.
This post was edited by Shuhak at August 11, 2020 1:33 AM MDT