1. I have never slept on my couch (or sofa) instead of in my bed.
2. I do not have a bed, so my couch (or sofa) is where I sleep.
3. I do not have a couch (or sofa).
4. The court order says you have to remove all the cameras you hid in my residence, Randy D, so I’d be a fool to answer this question. Grrrrrrrrr.
5. I unintentionally feel fell asleep there, and never went to my bedroom.
6. My significant other and I had an argument, and the decision was made that I would sleep on the couch (or sofa).
7. My bed isn’t comfortable.
8. My bedroom isn’t comfortable.
9. That’s where the sandwiches are.
10. My pet(s) took over my bed, evicted me from the bedroom, and banished me to the couch (or sofa).
11. My bedroom is being remodeled.
12. Guests are staying in my bedroom.
13. There’s no television in the bedroom.
14. My significant other is sick and I’m staying out of the bedroom temporarily.
15. I’m hungover.
16. Bad dreams or nightmares in that bedroom.
17. Two or more of the above, namely:___________.
18. None of the above or other answer, namely:_______________________.
your to late ;thirtfy made allreddy cot it
I hope you recover as quickly as possible.
Oh, I thought it was recent surgery.