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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Once upon a time in a Twilight Zone far away mannekins in a department store took turns coming to life for a day. Remember?

Once upon a time in a Twilight Zone far away mannekins in a department store took turns coming to life for a day. Remember?

I am here to posit example of TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION

 What if the entire panicky pandemic pumpkina** bugment gubment consists of MANNEKINS?

Why not WHAT IF?  Wouldn't that be a LOGICAL explanation of why we are in such a mess?

What is a MANNEKIN but a lifeless copy of a human body? Nothing upstairs inside the head. Nothing within the body like a heart or a lung or a liver or a spleen or a gut.

All you see is all there is. Made of what material I do not know but plastic Teflon lead and mercury is surely part of it. The other ingredient is the "secret sauce".

So these are all RENEGADES OUTLAWS "acting" as if they were homo saps but in fact in word and deed have shown us repeatedly they are empty inside from head to toe. Full of nothing but more nothing.

Posted - August 11, 2020
