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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Why izzit that all evildoers lack wit humor and common sense? If they had a soupcon of wit they might be barely tolerable. Why don't they?

Why izzit that all evildoers lack wit humor and common sense? If they had a soupcon of wit they might be barely tolerable. Why don't they?

If they could LAUGH AT THEMSELVES and POKE FUN AT THEMSELVES ever rarely they might barely tinily eensybitsily bearable. But they don't. Sour dour humorless submediocre intelligence. All cut from the same cloth. Remnants of what others have discarded and put on the CLEARANCE table before being thrown in the trash.

Only if. If only. Oh well. So what? Everyone says so.

Posted - August 16, 2020
