He was elected by "We the People", so that makes him "Me the People". BTW, that's a catchy little phrase. I think I'll bring that to the attention of the local GOP headquarters. They might want to make bumper stickers or yard signs with that one.
He doesn’t seem to understand that he works FOR the people, not the other way around. In his mind, the office of president is equal to that of a king. Everything is under his supreme control. Screw the constitution.
I'm glad Nancy Pelosi is calling the HOUSE back to work on this "murder the postal service" problem. A fat lot of good it will do though. The son of an itch moscow mitch won't lift a finger for the Senate to DO a thing. Too bad Nancy Pelosi can't EXECUTIVE ORDER changes. I wonder if a gubment that worked like that could work like that? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! With 92% of the American PEOPLE LIKING the post office it seems that pumpkina** has picked a very bad battle stand. We know he is more than a few cards short of a full deck. Wonder what he will come up with next to attack? :)
This post was edited by RosieG at August 18, 2020 1:40 PM MDT