The pumpkina**keeps preaching to the choir. No one else pays any attention to him. We know its gibberish drivel LIES and THREATS that he regurgitates endlessly to confuse. He doesn't confuse us he simply disgusts us.
There are no worries about the lies he floats or the stench of the poop. What worries us are what is being done to support him.
TEARING OUT 671 mail sorting machines everywhere. They sort 36,000 pieces of mail per hour. Also unbolting and carting away in trucks those blue mail drop boxes. We see them loaded on trucks and know the why.
That is the worry that the boytoy de Joy is causing and he is the one who must be STOPPED and BOUNCED. Just keep ignoring pumpkina**. He says the sameoldsameoldsameoldsameold lies 24/7. Nothing new.
Senile dementia set in a long time ago. Repetition is a sure sign of it. Ya know?