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Discussion » Questions » Emotions » Maybe women who still support Trump have always been mistreated by men. It's their "normal". Otherwise why would they stick by the guy?

Maybe women who still support Trump have always been mistreated by men. It's their "normal". Otherwise why would they stick by the guy?

I guess there are women who are used to being treated as "less than" and second-class. They are  happy to accept that role as being standard for women.  Any woman who takes pride in herself would never tolerate the abuse Trump dishes out. Only those who are used to abusive relationships would take it. Why do they think they are "less than" and deserve it? Are they brainwashed for life? Are they so conditioned to being mistreated that they cannot live without it?

Posted - October 10, 2016


  • 691
    Maybe women who support trump think it less of a crime to make crude comments than to attack and insult rape victims? Maybe it is that? What do you think? Do you think it is worse for a man to make a crude comment to another man, or for a woman to publicly attack victims of sexual assault? Please tell me which one is worse because I have too much difficulty in understanding how any woman can support hillary.
      October 11, 2016 7:44 AM MDT