The very existence of the dipstick is an abomination and violation of human decency.
He stinks of it and is enveloped by it and spreads it around wherever he goes. He speaks abomination and tweets abomination and celebrates abomination as do all the spineless whinya** ilk who are terrified of him.
Hatch Act? Small potatoes.
Constitution? Part of his plan. Trashing it in progress.
Country? Soon it will be exactly what vlad putin wants it to be. PUTTY to be shaped formed manipulated pretzelized to suit Russia.
Good job dipstick. Keep it up. Whatcha got ta lose? Everyone says so. Putin well pleased. All fascist racist WHITE supremacists adore you. Your encouragement and example is what they live for.
Well, since it’s up to him to say who did and didn’t violate it, you can be sure he rule in favor of himself (it’s good to be the king).