Discussion » Questions » Family » For those of you who have siblings, who was better behaved when you were growing up, you or your sibling(s)?

For those of you who have siblings, who was better behaved when you were growing up, you or your sibling(s)?


  1. My eldest sister was a goody-two-shoes all her life, and unfortunately had the role of helping to raise the rest of us. That continued until she reached age 16 or 17 when she and our mother clashed explosively all the time. After she became and adult and the first grandchild was born, she and our mother became close again.

  1. My eldest brother was defiant and stubborn as a child, always showed a tough exterior. From his teen years, he began to run with the wrong crowd and was constantly in trouble.

  1. I was the studious one and kept quiet around adults, but I was gregarious with other children. I was kind of a peacemaker in my family. When I was 14, my already rocky family imploded (due to divorce and three of the five children leaving, sister moved out, two brothers went to a group home, the remaining members moved to a small rental house, economic status dropped drastically, alcoholism), I became my mother‘s rock of dependability, but I allowed my grades to suffer. I was merely biding my time, however, because as soon as I could, I enlisted in the military and left home, never to return to live under my mothers roof again.

  1. My younger brother, with whom I shared studiousness and to whom I had always been the closest, was mischievous and rebellious as a child, liked to push our mother‘s buttons to set her off, and thrived on disobedience. In his teen years, he slowly gravitated away from me and more toward my older brother. They jointly followed the same path of troublemaking and getting with the wrong crowd.

  1. My youngest sister is 10 years younger than the previous sibling, and therefore grew up separately from us, both literally and figuratively. She had many advantages in life that the four of us did not, the most important of which was a known and present and active father.  She was extremely spoiled and had practically no responsibilities in the household, unlike the rest of us.  In her teenage years also, she clashed with our mother, but her father doted on her, she was truly a daddy’s girl.


Posted - August 30, 2020


  • 35032
    I don't think anyone of the three of us were any better or worse.  No one got into legal troubles. Or school troubles.  We were not angels. 

    I was out of the house for most of their teen years so it is possible I do not know everything they did then.  I know they smoked and drank some. But so did I some. I may have been worse. I don't know. 

    As of today, no one has had legal issues. Two of three do not drink. No one smokes now.  We all work, are married (once) with kids and support them. No one is a burden to our parents. 
      August 30, 2020 10:55 AM MDT

  • 44752
    I did my share of misbehaving, but, unlike my siblings, I rarely got caught.
      August 30, 2020 3:04 PM MDT

  • 234
    I was. I have two older sister. Sometimes they threw parties with the parent's were away. They even got caught once. I was just an innocent young lad. :)
      August 30, 2020 5:01 PM MDT

  • I was better behaved, but my parents adored my little brother.  He got away with more.
      August 31, 2020 8:23 AM MDT