You stalk and haunt FAUX news and do the bidding of the mean old dean of insanity the dawn of sean spawn of satan and his "signficant other" pucker carlson. A tag team you depend on to tell you what to say what to think what to do. DAILY you haunt them and stalk them and watch them and listen to them to get YOUR MARCHING ORDERS. No one is fooled little man. You are nothing but a courier spokesmouth for the powers that be who control you.
What a pathetic front. You are the very "best" of what the GOP had to offer apparently. How pathetic is THAT?
You cannot make a move or a decision without their input. WE know it and you know it and if they were to die off or disappear you'd have no one to decide for you or tell you what to do. Terrifying ain't it? You nimnut dimwit. Sheesh.