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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Dipstick DEFIANT DIVISIVE DOUBLING DOWN. To Wisconsin to a** pat cops and "gin up enthusiasm". Enthusiam for WHAT?

Dipstick DEFIANT DIVISIVE DOUBLING DOWN. To Wisconsin to a** pat cops and "gin up enthusiasm". Enthusiam for WHAT?

Dipstick defends the murderer which obviously encourages copycats to do the same thing. The dipstick will defend them too. C'mon down y'all. Bring your AK whatevers and have a fun time. Dip will back you up. Dip will bail you out. Dip will pardon you. Whatcha got ta lose with the dip watching your back?

The dipstick made the MURDERER the victim.

No intention of visiting the Blake family. Family said if they met they wanted their lawyers present.

Dipstick said that would be inappropriate. For whom? He wouldn't be able to get away with LYING.

The basta** man is at it again. STOKING UP HATRED. GINNING UP VIOLENCE.

Don't ya just love the guy bundles and buckets and barrels and bilges and barf buckets?

Posted - September 1, 2020


  • I think that most of us out here have more important things to contemplate than Trump and Wisconsin. Most have long ago figured out who is to blame as the source of the Marxist upheaval and chaos in the cities. Call it "Cancel Culture" all you want. It is organized, managed, administered, scheduled, financed and carried out by some deep pockets. The idea being, that big business thinks that they're buying some immunity from the  political anarchists. We figure that one day, Americans will grow a backbone and bring this nonsense to a screeching halt. Until then, we deserve all they're willing to dish out. 
      September 1, 2020 11:15 AM MDT

  • 35039
    There is video of Rittenhouse being chased by "protesters, one even tries to take his gun from him.  

    The violence has been going on for months.  And the left is somehow surprised that people are getting tired of watching the destruction.

    A Trump supporter was murdered Sat night in Portland.  I am sure it was the victims fault too....after all he was a Trump supporter.  And the protesters are all peaceful. 
      September 1, 2020 3:26 PM MDT

  • 17059
    Rittenhouse was being chased by vics 2 and 3 who were attempting to stop a gunman from fleeing a murder scene, and also to attempt to disarm said gunman. Vic one was shot in cold blood, unprovoked.
    The kid crossed state lines, illegally armed (open carry is not permitted by minors under Wisconsin law), deliberately looking for trouble. He should get life, his mother (who armed him and took him there) should rot in the next cell.
      September 1, 2020 5:58 PM MDT

  • 35039
    The 2 who were shot....were they chasing before or after being shot? 
      September 1, 2020 6:23 PM MDT

  • 17059
    There were 3 shot, two fatally. The first one wasn't chasing anybody. The other 2 were attempting to disarm Rittenhouse and prevent him from leaving a murder scene.
      September 1, 2020 6:24 PM MDT

  • 35039
    Was he being chased before anyone was shot?
      September 1, 2020 8:34 PM MDT

  • 17059
    No. They started chasing him when he fled following the first shooting (not caught on video, that initial gunshot alerted those armed with smartphones).
      September 1, 2020 8:37 PM MDT

  • 113301
      September 2, 2020 1:41 AM MDT

  • 35039
    Funny that is not what was reported by the NYT. 

    "In the first shooting, Rittenhouse was being chased by a group of unknown people for unknown reasons near a car dealership he had been protecting earlier. “While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene,” the Times wrote. At that time, Rittenhouse “turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head,” according to The Times.

    Witnesses told Heavy at the scene that they believed Rittenhouse and others got in an argument with people who had lit a small arson fire because they opposed them starting fires.

    This post was edited by my2cents at September 2, 2020 6:13 AM MDT
      September 2, 2020 6:08 AM MDT

  • 113301
      September 2, 2020 1:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
      September 2, 2020 2:01 AM MDT