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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Who invented clothing? Why not a world where everyone is always naked? That way "clothes" won't make the man or the woman. Howdja like it?

Who invented clothing? Why not a world where everyone is always naked? That way "clothes" won't make the man or the woman. Howdja like it?

We're born naked. If we were meant to wear clothes we'd be born clothed!

Naked we're born
Naked we live
Naked we die


Posted - September 2, 2020


  • 16632
    Skin cancer or chilblains, depending on the time of year. Even our caveman ancestors dressed themselves in skins in winter.
      September 2, 2020 3:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Good point though much of the very DEADLIEST cancers occur within the body. But skin cancer like a melanoma will kill you. Not as fast as pancreatic cancer which when diagnosed is already too late to save you. Thank you for your reply R! :)
      September 2, 2020 4:19 AM MDT

  • 520
    Because we are not fur covered and need protection from the weather.
      September 2, 2020 3:59 AM MDT

  • 19938
    Not just the weather.  Can you imagine an early hunter having to run through a bramble patch without any covering of his most tender areas? This post was edited by SpunkySenior at September 3, 2020 5:07 PM MDT
      September 2, 2020 6:49 AM MDT

  • 10562

    I believe Adam and Eve did (fig leaves).

    The main reason we wear clothes is that we (as a civilized society) consider some body parts to be offensive or embarrassing.  To justify this we label it as “being modest”.

    Clothing is illogical.  Not in its function so much, rather how we use it.   We wear clothes to maintain warmth (especially in colder climates), yet we still wear them inside where it’s warm.  Although most couples (spouses) have seen each other naked, they still wear clothes in each other’s presence t (non-“intimate” times).  There’re tribes in Africa who never wear clothes (of course we consider them uncivilized).  We define ourselves by our clothing.  Although clothing’s main function is to “hide” parts of the body, we separate it for each gender (dresses, pants, shirts, etc.).  We used clothing colors to indicate status (purple for royalty), sexual status (brides wear white), and association (such as gang colors).   Clothing can indicate prosperity (the poor dress in rags while the wealthy dress in luxury).  Even though society has accustomed us to wearing clothes (from babies on up), some people find being naked comfortable.  Over 40% of people don’t wear clothes to bed at night (PJ’s, nighties, etc).   Many women prefer not to wear bras.   Some people don’t wasn’t to wear clothes, even in public (nudists).  Many people look down on them for this.  Even in death we sill ware clothes (how many bodies are buried/burned naked?).

    Our bodies weren’t originally designed to be clothed.  The skin that covers it serves to protect it (waterproof, self-repairing).  Hair grows on certain parts of our bodies to provide extra protection (where needed).  Yet our wearing of clothes has made the skin “soft” (unconditioned).  We shave off our “extra” hair as we find it unsightly.  We wear shoes because our feet have become tender (non-calloused).  We have ‘muffin tops’ because we wear underwear and pants (as we age, gravity pulls on the skin and fat of our waist area.  Our clothing prevents it from staying uniform and instead bunches it up.).   We sunburn because our skin isn’t conditioned by the sun due to being covered.  We feel every tiny “prickle” because our skin was never allowed to “acclimate” because we always wear clothes.  I’m not advocating nudity, I’m just saying.

      September 2, 2020 2:09 PM MDT